North State Parent magazine


North State Parent

North State Parent

North State Parent is a free, monthly publication, both digital and print, with a growing distribution. We proudly serve the North State counties of Butte, Glenn, Shasta, Siskiyou and Tehama.

Author Archive


March 2015

Josh and April LaFrance own WoodStone Construction and specialize in remodeling homes and commercial spaces. They’re also weekend warriors in the outdoors with their children Jacob, age 11, and Ruby, age 9. Whether it’s hiking on great trails, drifting down rivers, or scaling up rock cliffs, they all love exploring the beauty of the North State.


Localicious: Celebrate Celery – March is National Celery Month!

It’s the complementary crunch in a chicken salad, or the savory supplement in a stew. The fact is most of us use celery merely as an accessory in a tasty […]


Teenage Musicians: Win $400 In Music Store Prizes!

The Music Connection and North State Parent want to hear your story! 2015 Theme: Why is music important to our world? Why is it important to you? What experiences in […]


February 2015

Darling Ellie Hedge at age 4. Ellie enjoys playing dress up,riding her bike, playing with Little Pet Shop toys, and walking with red umbrellas.

Lassen Volcanic National Park Offers an Array of Education Programs

Lassen Volcanic National Park offers memorable educational opportunities for schools and youth groups where visitors discover the wonder and mysteries of volcanoes, roaring fumaroles (steam and volcanic-gas vents), thumping mud […]

Sophia Steven-Del Torto, age 9, loves creating art using a variety of mediums in her fine arts class at Stellar Charter School in Redding.

The Importance of the Arts: Experts Share their Perspectives

Children are born artists. Even young children know how to create – thrilled by the magical sound made by tapping on piano keys, by the texture of fingerpaints, by the […]


Music & Movement Toddler Classes

Looking for something fun to do with your toddler? Children and their parents will enjoy these creative class times filled with music, movement and plenty of smiles. Movement and Music […]

Left to right: Summer Odell Ovies, Artistic Director of Artesan Dance Company; James Theimer, Principal Architect of Trilogy Architecture and lead architect of Raven and the Unicorn Performing Arts Center; Margaret Johnson, Co-Founder/Director of Redding School of the Arts; Daria O'Brien, Capital Campaign Director of the Foundation for Promoting Arts Education.  Photo by Tracey Hedge, Firefly Mobile Studios,

Where Adventure, Dreams and Inspiration Begin – Update on Raven and the Unicorn Performing Art Center

It’s been an exciting year for the Raven and the Unicorn, a proposed 800-seat theater designed specifically for child-centered performing arts programs and educational opportunities. The theater is still on […]


Hai Ho! Hai Ho! It’s Off to Taiko We Go! – In Mt. Shasta: Taiko Classes for Youth

Taiko is an ancient Japanese style of drumming that, in the last half century, has undergone an evolution into an ensemble performing art. If you’ve been fortunate enough to have […]


January 2015

Anna, age 16, excels at guitar, writing, photography and acting through CORE Butte charter school and is also concurrently enrolled at Butte College. Anna loves all things geeky and recently started her own YouTube channel called “girlfromtheshire,” named for her hobbit-like petite stature. Someday she’d like to humorously chronicle her struggles with ADD.


December 2014

Brothers Jackson & Colby Privett, ages 5 and 2 at the time of the photograph, love being outdoors together camping, fishing, swimming and biking. They also enjoy building, reading and rough-housing together!


November 2014

Christopher Tyler Schrievers, age 7, enjoys learning about trains − or just about anything for that matter! He likes creating art and riding his bike and scooter. Chris also thoroughly enjoys his Taekwondo lessons at Mt. Shasta Martial Arts Program.