Parent Cafés. Parent Cafés are opportunities for parents to share information and ideas in meaningful guided discussions with the goal of strengthening families. Parents make new friends, share their hopes and dreams for their families, learn about resources and build a stronger community. Cafés typically meet monthly, with a meal and childcare provided free of charge. Online meetings available. 3120 Cohasset Rd, Suite 6. (530)895-3572.
TAPP Teen Services; Butte and Shasta Counties. A free and voluntary case management program for pregnant and parenting teens (including teen fathers). Program helps ensure the health and well-being of teen parents and their children by connecting families with appropriate services and being a support and advocate for the family.
Butte County: (530)345-1600 x 21080.
Shasta County: (530)247-3329.
The Post Institute. Publisher of love-based, family-centered information for parents with adopted, foster and diagnosed children. Their approach to managing disruptive behaviors empowers parents of children with trauma histories to create a healing environment in the home.
Verywell Family. Read articles and blogs about relevant parenting topics ranging from pregnancy to disciplining older children. Includes tips for parenting twins or other multiples.
Youth for Change Specialty Services; Butte and Shasta Counties. Offers homeless youth programs, foster family agency, school-based counseling, adoptions, wrap-around programs (parenting services, therapy services and more), parenting workshops and more for the entire family.
- Butte County: 260 Cohasset Rd., Suite 120. (530)877-1965.
- Shasta County: 2400 Washington Ave., Suite 102. (530)877-1965.
Butte College Foster Kinship Care Education Program; Chico. Family and parenting enrichment classes for foster and kinship caregivers. Learn about 6 Core Strengths for Healthy Childhood Development, Attachment Parenting, Active Parenting of Teens, Therapeutic Parenting, Parenting From the Inside Out and more. Open and free to all. 3535 Butte Campus Dr. (530)895-2511. Español: (530)895-2284.
Mother Baby Education Center & Breastfeeding Supply Store; Chico. Offering classes in childbirth preparation, infant pediatric CPR, babysitting, understanding grandparenting, understanding fatherhood. Also provides lactation consults and breast pumping supplies. 251 Cohasset Rd., Suite 120. (530)332-3970.
Valley Oak Children’s Services Centers; Chico. Childcare resources, child-care payment assistance, free books for literacy, child-care food program, Early Head Start, Behavioral Health Services, workshops, and trainings. 3120 Cohasset Rd., Suite. 6. (530)895-3572.
Bright Futures; Burney. Classes, activities and support to strengthen families with children 0-5. (530)335-4600.
Dr. Kathleen Riley HeartMath Certified Trainer; Redding. Learn resilience through the intelligence of the heart, opening up to authenticity and intention. Resilience is the capacity to prepare for, recover from and adapt in the face of stress, challenge or adversity. 169 Hartnell Ave., Suite 207.
Help Me Grow Shasta; Shasta County. Helps parents find answers to their questions about their child’s behavior, development and learning. Provides an easy connection to resources.
Positive Parenting Program (Triple P); Shasta County. Triple P offers parents helpful information for working with common parenting issues such as tantrums, disobedience and bedtime drama. 1313 Yuba St. (855)275-8109.
Tri County Community Center (Intermountain Community Center); Burney. Family support, resources and services for eastern Shasta County. Early bird dropoff childcare, preschool, daycare, after school and summer programs. Parent education and support, English learners program, many more family resources. 37477 Main St. (530)335-4600.
Family & Community Resource Centers. These local hubs provide ongoing support in parenting and other important factors to family life. Contact the center in your area for a schedule of activities.
- Dunsmuir Community Resource Center: 5840 Suite A, Dunsmuir Ave. (530)235-4400.
- Happy Camp Community Center: 38 Park Way. (530)493-5117.
- HUB Communities Family Resource Center; Montague. 310 S. 13th St. (530)459-3481.
- Mount Shasta Community Resource Center: or 109 E. Lake St. (530)926-1400.
- Scott Valley Family Resource Center; Fort Jones. 11920 Main St. (530)468-2450.
- Family & Community Resource Center; Weed. 260 Main St. (530)938-9914.
- Yreka Community Resource Center: 201 S. Broadway St. (530)842-1313.
- McCloud Family Resource Center; McCloud. 303 Main St. (530)853-1528.
Happy Camp Community Center. Offers First5 literacy events and playgroups, parenting classes, mental health referrals, CalFresh and utility application assistance, emergency food program, farmers market, Market Match program to double SNAP food benefits,mental health referrals. 38 Park Way. (530)493-5117.
Help Me Grow Siskiyou; Siskiyou County. Ages & Stages Questionnaire home developmental screenings. Helps parents find answers to their questions about their child’s behavior, development and learning. Provides an easy connection to resources.