North State Parent magazine


Help for Low-Income Single Parents and Families


California Department of Social Services. Numerous grants and assistance programs are offered to single parents by the California Department of Social Services. (916)651-8848.

Some examples of the aid available:

  • Cash aid programs for low-income single parents to help them meet their basic needs, employment, education, and training programs to help families get jobs and get on their way to self-sufficiency. For families in work activities, transportation, child-care, work expenses and counseling are also made available. For families and caretakers with children, adults, seniors, disabled, children and adults, cash aid is available. (916)651-8848
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Women Infants and Children (WIC), and the Emergency Food Assistance Program (EFAP) will provide emergency food supplies to low-income single parents, can help those with lower income buy the food they need for households, and help pregnant mothers and newborns. (800)852-5770 to contact WIC in California.
  • CalWorks Child Care is a program that can help single moms transition from immediate, short-term needs to the more stable, long-term child-care. The goal here is to help families leave and remain off state aid. (916)657-1668.
  • Cal-Learn is an assistance program that focuses on helping parenting and pregnant teens attend and graduate from high school or the equivalent. Payments for necessary child-care are also included. For more information call Sutter Teen Programs. (916)262-9141.
  • Medi-Cal is the equivalent of Medicaid in California. If both adults and children have limited income and resources, the program can pay for a variety of medical services. (800)300-1506 to apply.
  • CalWORKs Program will help single parents in California prepare for employment. Transportation, child-care, and work-related or training-related expenses are some of the services offered. (916)657-2128

Community Services & Development (CSD). A department of the California Health and Human Services Agency. Lower income single parents can receive resources to help them achieve and maintain self-sufficiency, assistance with rent, help with paying home energy bills and aid in finding and residing in housing. (866)675-6623.

Programs offered include:

  • Community Services Block Grant (CSBG). Assists low-income single parents and individuals in attaining the knowledge, skills and motivation that is necessary to achieve self-sufficiency. The program provides shelter, food and health care needs to low-income people with immediate life necessities.
  • Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Weatherization Assistance Program, and Reduced Rate Programs. Administered by the California State Department of Community Services & Development. Energy and utility saving programs provide direct help with paying utility and heating bills, help lower energy bills and provide other forms of aid. (866)675-6623.

Child Care Assistance Programs. Eligible single parents in California can be provided subsidized child-care services by the three versions of this program; CalWORKs, Alternate Payment, and Child Protective Services. CalWORKs offers help to families that are in transition off cash aid or welfare assistance and grants. While the parents work, attend school or college, seek work, or while they seek permanent housing in California, the Alternate Payment program helps pay for child support. For children who are in a neglectful household or living situation Child Protective services will pay for child-care. (213)240-5900

Northern Valley Catholic Services. Free clothes and accessories for work, disaster relief, mental health services, immigration and legal assistance, CalFresh, CalWorks, housing assistance, special needs housing assistance, baby care programs and classes, education and skills training, teen pregnancy programs. (530) 241-0552, (800) 846-1451


Section 8 Rent Vouchers. Vouchers may be offered to eligible single parents. Case management and ongoing rental assistance are other services that are being offered by the federal government HUD program to those that qualify. For information on how to get Housing Choice (Section 8) Vouchers . (800)955-2232.

California Homebuyer’s Down Payment Assistance Program (CHDAP). Administered by the the California Housing Finance Agency. Offers low interest rate first mortgage programs and a variety of down payment assistance programs to eligible first-time home buyers. (877)922-5432.

California Mortgage Help and Foreclosure Aid. Offers single parents assistance to help prevent foreclosures. Offers resources for help with mortgage payments. (888)840-2594


Operation Access (OA). Provides uninsured single parents with low income with diagnosis, free evaluation and surgical operations. Volunteer doctors and medical staff at participating hospitals perform the medical procedures. (415)733-0052.


California Dept of Financial Protection and Innovation. Information about your rights regarding debt collection and your rights concerning medical debt and charity health care. Click on Consumer Financial Protection

Debt Reduction and Credit Counseling. Non-profit organizations can help single parents and individuals to get back on track with paying off debts and outstanding bills. There is no cost attached to many of these debt reduction programs but beware of scam companies that will end up not helping to reduce dept and charge high fees. Contact the National Foundation for Credit Counseling for a list of reputable organizations. (800)388-2227.


California Rural Legal Assistance program. Free legal assistance for single parents and families in California from the several non-profit law firms located across state. (415)777-2752

Law Help California Website. Helps people of low & moderate incomes find free legal aid programs in their communities. Helps find answers to questions about legal rights & forms to help with legal problems.

Legal Services of Northern California. Serves all upper CA counties. Offers legal resources & research tools & provides civil representation to low-income clients. Assists with tenant, public benefits & unemployment issues. Helps grandparents raising grandchildren with guardianships, Calfresh, CAlworks, natural disaster, post conviction relief, in-home support services, name and gender change petitions, education issues. Has many programs to assist low with issues facing low-income adults and childran. LSNC Health Hotline assists with health care issues. (916)551-2150.

  • Butte, Glenn & Tehama Counties. 541 Normal Ave., Chico. (530)345-9491 or (800)345-9491.
  • Shasta & Siskiyou Counties. 1370 West St., Redding.  (530)241-3565 or (800)822-9687.


California LifeLine. Low-income households can receive savings and low-cost phones, either cell or home, from the state of California. The program helps customers save a significant amount of money on their monthly bills. (866)272-0349.

California Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Provides assistance to eligible low-income households with the goal of managing and meeting their immediate home heating and/or cooling needs. (866)675-6623 or (916) 576-7109. TDD: (916) 263-1402
CA Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). Provides financial assistance to low-income Californians to help manage their residential water utility costs. (866)675-6623 or (916) 576-7109. TDD: (916) 263-1402



Self Help Home Improvement Project: Redding. Provides free home weatherization to low-income residents of Tehama and Shasta counties. Administers the LHWAP water payment assistance program. Provides free rehab services to low-income rural residents. 377 Meadowview #100. (530)378-6900.


Catholic Ladies Relief Society; Chico. Gives out food according to number of people in the family, once a month per family. Must provide an ID for everyone in their household. Emergency food given away on an as needed basis as long as food supplies last. Mon–Fri, 9am-12pm. 1386 Longfellow Ave. (530)895-8331.

Chico Rescue Mission. Food boxes available every Tue at 10am. 2612 Esplanade. (530)343-1935.

North State Food Bank; Oroville. Collects & distributes food throughout Butte, Glenn, Colusa, Plumas, Sierra & Tehama Counties. Multiple programs to help low-income families get the food & nutrition they need each month. 2640 S. 5th Ave. (530)712-2600.


Nurse-Family Partnership; Redding. Free program for first time, at risk moms, less than 28 weeks pregnant, low income, and residing in Shasta County. It helps first time mothers have healthy pregnancies, improve child health and development, and become more economically self sufficient. The program partners first time moms with a Nurse Home Visitor. 1670 Market St., Suite 300. (530) 245-6411 or the national service office at (866) 864-5226.

Shasta Senior Nutrition Program – Friday Food Bank; Redding. Not just for seniors, but for all low-income people. 1st & 3rd Fri, 8-9am. Photo ID, proof of address req. 100 Mercy Oaks Dr. (530)226-3071.

Shasta Strengthening Families; Redding. Shasta Strengthening Families Collaborative is an award-winning group of agencies and organizations committed to working together to create a connected community of safe and thriving families by building hope and resilience. Offers ACE presentations and community events to educate the public about the effects and impact of childhood trauma and provide resources to break the cycle and help Shasta County families heal. Links to many orgs providing resources for parents and youth. Classes and community events are hosted by many of the Shasta Strengthening Families Collaborative partners.

Shingletown Emergency Food & Outreach Center. Provides emergency food to those in need in Shingletown, Manton and Viola. Available Wed by appointment, and other times as able for urgent needs. Delivery is often available for seniors in Shingletown depending on weather and staffing. Items include non-perishable foods, fruits and vegetables as available, pet food, and some hygiene items., (530)474-4220.

The Salvation Army; Redding. Weekly pantry and homeless food bags. Every Wed-Thu, 10am-noon, Bring photo id & 1 month proof of residency.  2691 Larkspur Lane. (530)222-2207.


HUB Communities Family Resource Center; Montague. Offers application assistance, resume help, home searches & resources for rent & mortgages assistance, parenting classes for families in recovery, playgroups on Wed, utility assistance & more. 310 S. 13th St. (530)459-3481.

Siskiyou Child Care Council; Weed. Preschool program & child care referrals. Also offers a lending library of toys & resource materials related to child development for parents, childcare providers & others working with children. Free trainings for experienced, new & potential family childcare home providers. 170 Boles St. (530)938-2793

Tulelake/Newell Family Resource Center; Tulelake. Resources and services for Modoc and Siskiyou Counties. Offers playgroups, women’s & girl’s circle, CalFresh & energy assistance applications, dress for success clothing and resume assistance, translator help, family law assistance, new parenting kits, computer, fax, internet access, adult and youth drop in center, mental health services, meals on wheels for seniors & produce giveaway on 1st & 3rd Th each month. 810 Main St. (530)667-2147.

Siskiyou Community Food Bank; Yreka. Food bank for low-income individuals & families. 1601 S. Oregon St., Ste. B. (entrance on Kegler lane) (530)340-6382.


Tehama County Community Action Agency; Red Bluff. Provides housing assistance, emergency food and shelter program, and many other programs designed to help Tehama County residents in need or in crisis. Referral center for low-income families to resources such as: LiHeap, weatherization programs, credit counseling, emergency food and shelter, legal services, low-income housing, family counseling, senior advocates, education services, food stamps, healthcare, employment training, and much more. 310 South Main St. (530) 527-6159.

Tehama County Food Bank. Distributes USDA Commodities (surplus food) each month for Tehama County residents with low income at locations throughout Tehama County. Search “Tehama County Gleaners & Food Bank” on Facebook. Food giveaway locations, days, and times each month are posted on their Facebook page. Emergency food available on non-giveaway days.  (530)529-2264.

  • Los Molinos. Masonic Hall, 25020 Tehama-Vina Rd.
  • Manton, Paynes Creek & Ponderosa Sky Ranch. Services available for residents.
  • Rancho Tehama. Recreation Center, 17357 Stagecoach Rd.
  • Red Bluff. 20699 Walnut St.
This page was last updated Mar-14-2024. For updates/corrections send us an email at and mention Help for Low-Income Single Parents and Families in the subject line.