Butte County
Butte Music Teachers Association of California (MTAC) Youth Orchestra; Chico. Conducted by Yoshie Muratani, meets for rehearsals weekly on Thursdays at Bidwell Presbyterian Church, 131 W. 1st Street, Downtown Chico, from 6-8pm. Registration is open to all winds, brass and strings. buttemtac.org. (530) 345-4031.
Shasta County
Shasta College Concert Orchestra; Redding. Students gain the opportunity to perform in a quality orchestral setting and may earn college credit prior to graduating from high school. Provides musical training and enriching musical experiences to intermediate and advanced level musicians of all ages throughout the region. An audition is required for placement. For more information about joining, please contact the music director, Dr. Jeff Specht (jspecht@shastacollege.edu). shastacollege.edu/academics/programs/music/concert-orchestra. 530-242-7500.