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                 diagnostic and therapeutic care for people with disability-related health conditions. These findings benefit both individual and provider education. Prioritizes the voices of people with disabilities about their lived experiences. handsacrosshumanityfdn. Head Start/Early Head Start. Support
for children ages 5 and under with special needs and their parents. To find a program in your area, use the Head Start Locator online or call a local office in your county. (866)763-6481. Homeschool Association of California (HSC) Special Needs Homeschooling Infor- mation. Volunteer contact person for general information about homeschooling kids with special needs. (888)472-4440. In-Home Support Services. California will pay parents of minor children as providers. To qualify, a child must have an undeni- able level of need and documentation from a physician or regional center. In a 2-parent household, 1 parent must be working or enrolled full time in an edu- cational program for the other parent to be paid as a provider. The provider parent must prove inability to maintain employ- ment due to the needs of the child. cdss. Medi-Cal & Medicaid Waivers. Medi-Cal, California’s Medicaid program, offers waiv- ers to specific groups of individuals based on specific geographic areas of the state and provides medical coverage to individ- uals who may not otherwise be eligible under Medicaid rules. search “Medi-Cal Waivers“ on
North American Mental Health Ser- vices (NAMHS); Redding. Provides a Dual Diagnosis program for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities and co-occurring mental illnesses. Our program provides mental health outpa- tient services of medication management and individual therapy. Our staff members are educated for our program, and we welcome children and adults., 1-888-292-8080.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI); NAMI is the nation’s largest grass- roots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. nami. org/home. (703)524-7600. Local chapters: Butte (530)894-8551, Shasta: (530)691-4450. National Association for Down Syn- drome (NADS). The oldest Down syn- drome advocacy organization in the coun- try. Helps people with Down syndrome reach their full potential. Offers prenatal information for parents expecting a child with Down syndrome.
National Organization for Rare Disor- ders (NORD); A database and resource center for people who are living with
or have loved ones with a rare disease. (800)999-6673.
Northern California Center on Deafness; North Highland. Serves clients in Shas-
ta, Butte, Siskiyoum Glenn and Tehama counties by providing communication services; counseling; advocacy, services; independent living skills instruction; job development and placement; information
and referral; and community education. (916)349-7500.
Parent Infant Programs; Redding. Serving most upper CA counties. In- home program for children ages 0-5 with developmental needs. Curriculum focuses on maximizing the development of the individual child, strengthening the par- ent-child relationship and helping parents develop strong advocacy skills. parentin-
Anderson: 2775 Ventura St Suite A. (530)247-1375.
Chico: 1600 Humboldt Rd #3. (530)343- 8106.
Rowell Family Empowerment of North- ern CA; Siskiyou, Trinity, Shasta, Tehama, Butte and Glenn County. Parent-founded, parent-operated, nonprofit organization that offers free services to families of children ages 3-22 with special needs. Pro- grams and trainings are supported through grants, contracts, donations and fundrais- ing activities. (530)226-5129. SLATE. The hallmark of SLATE (Successful Living with Autism through Training & Education) is Get SET (Social Emotion-
al Training). SLATE’s summer program provides an environment for children and young adults to learn and grow side by side with typical children. t-e. (530)226-5129.
State Council on Developmental Dis- abilities: Established by state and federal law as an independent state agency to ensure that people with developmental disabilities and their families receive the
services and supports they need. The North State Office covers Butte, Glenn, Plumas, Tehama, Lassen, Shasta, Trinity, Modoc and Siskiyou Counties. (530) 895-4027.
The Autism Society. The nation’s leading grassroots autism organization, increasing public awareness, advocating for appropri- ate services and providing the latest treat- ment information. Also hosts a national autism conference. (800)328-8476.
Wings of Eagles. The Joseph Alvarez Organization for Seriously Ill Children
is dedicated to helping and financially assisting families with seriously ill children in Butte, Glenn, Colusa, Tehama, Sutter, and Yuba Counties. “Wings of Eagles” was founded in memory of Joseph Alvarez
in June of 1993, who died of a very rare and terminal form of leukemia a month before his tenth birthday. “Wings of Eagles” celebrated 30 years of service to the community in 2022. “Wings” has helped hundreds of families that have seriously ill children over the years with their out-of- pocket expenses, including gas, food, and lodging. (530)893-9231 or (530)570-5985.
Yes She Can, Inc. Dedicated to helping young women with autism and related disabilities develop transferable job skills and workplace social skills through au- thentic work experience. Serves teen girls with autism spectrum disorders transition from high school to adulthood and young women. (914)358-1460.
 Do You Have Concerns About Your Baby’s Development?
Most Babies At...
3 Months Look from one object to another. Hold up their heads.
Give eye contact.
6 Months Reach and grasp objects. Look when their name is called. Roll over.
9 Months Sit alone. Imitate gestures. Wave bye-bye.
 12 Months Take their first steps. Play with a variety of toys. Begin to say “mama.”
18 Months Walk alone. Build a tower of three blocks. Use up to 15 words. Enjoy interacting with caregivers.
24 Months Begin to use two-word phrases to communicate. Eat and drink independently. Walk up and down stairs.
Far Northern
Regional Center
Infants and toddlers from birth to age 36 months may be eligible for early intervention services through Far Northern Regional Center.
 Call our referral line: (530) 332-1529
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