Page 5 - North State Parent March 2022
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Lema Ranch is for the Birds!
Careful observers can spot many species of wildlife at Lema Ranch, including numerous birds.
Lema Ranch ponds attract numerous waterfowl, wading birds, and shorebirds throughout the year. These include the Ring-necked Duck, geese, herons, rails, Common Gallinule, and the Belted Kingfisher. The varied flora of the ranch invite many avian visitors and provide homes for several bird species. Not only are there nesting raptors on the property, including the Great Horned Owl and Red-shouldered Hawk, many songbirds nest in the trees and bushes throughout the property. Several species of cavity nesting birds also find homes in the large oak trees on the property.
An ongoing nest box program on the ranch has provided supplemental nesting sites for hundreds of Tree Swallows, Violet-green Swallows, and Western Bluebirds found everywhere on Lema Ranch.
Since the trails opened to the public in 1997, members of the Wintu Audubon Society have maintained records of common bird names, their habitat, and seasons. The Bird Checklist is available at documents/lema.
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Photo credit: Larry Jordan
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