North State Parent magazine


Planet Support


Spotlight on Karuk Tribe: Habitat Restoration on the Klamath River

The removal of four dams from the Klamath River has opened hundreds of miles of habitat for fish in California and Oregon. Already, salmon and steelhead have found their way […]

The Tehama County/Red Bluff Landfill offers free mulch and 
wood chips for locals, made from the recycled wood waste.

From Byproduct to Bio-product: Northern Californians are Making it Happen

Many of us have felt the satisfaction of keeping paper, cans and plastic out of landfills. But did you know that northern California businesses and programs are similarly keeping biomass […]

Families get back to nature at Earthbound Skills.

Teaching Our Children to Care for the Earth

             “We are born with a connection to nature,” says Tim Corcoran in his book The Earth Caretaker Way. “But as we grow, we may lose conscious touch with that […]

Tiny House

From Tiny Homes to Cabin Kits: Local Innovative Housing Solutions for Eco-Conscious Parents

As the world becomes increasingly aware of the need for sustainable living, innovative housing solutions can align with eco-conscious values. Alternative housing such as tiny homes and cabin kits are […]

Students at the monthly BEC Cooking with Food Scraps workshop.

Butte Environmental Council: Advocating for a Healthy Community

Located in gorgeous Butte County, the Butte Environmental Council (BCE) is a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the environmental health of Butte County. Supported by 300 members, over 1,000 […]


In the Zone with Green Loan Support

Reduce, reuse and recycle are words most of us have heard since childhood. But for GreenLoan Support in Tehama County, it’s not just talk. GreenLoan Support means to make this […]

Food scraps that end up in the land fill impact our climate and our community.

It’s Time to Talk Trash

We’ve all disposed of food scraps at some point, and if we bin them, we don’t usually think about what happens next. Here in California, over half of our trash […]