North State Parent magazine


Family Life & Support


How Doulas Can Help Moms and Families During and After Childbirth

According to the nonprofit doula organization, DONA International (, “From the beginning of time, people have been cared for and nurtured during pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Family, friends and neighbors […]

Breastfeeding support can look different from family to family and from child to child. Non-judgmental breastfeeding support is available in-person and via phone. Photo by Freepik

La Leche League USA: Helping Parents Learn About Successful Breastfeeding

La Leche League USA ( is an important part of the international La Leche League, which helps mothers all over the world as they navigate the journey of successful breastfeeding […]


‘The Opt-Out Family’: How One Family Chose Being Present Over Tech

For many parents, tackling tech is an overwhelming issue and the stakes have only gotten higher since the U.S. surgeon general released his report on the devastating effects of social media on […]


Three to Six in Fourteen Weeks

One year ago we were an average family. We had three children ages 8, 6 and 2 and we were busy with the average family things like dance lessons, scouts, […]

Zamora learns a love of reading and literacy as her grandma, Angela Beem, joyfully reads with her.
Photo credit Joann Goble.

How to Foster a Love of Early Literacy in Your Young Child

One of my most treasured photos from my childhood is of me sitting on my father’s lap as he was reading a book on geology. He was not reading to […]


What to say and do (and what NOT to say and do) for someone experiencing grief

According to Jen Nilsson on her blog about grief, “Lens of Jen,” the single best thing you can do when offering comfort is to SHOW UP. “Whatever you do,” Jen says, […]


Taking a Bite out of the Sandwich Generation

You may have heard of the Sandwich Generation, but you may be wondering what it is and if you are a part of it. Simply put, those in the Sandwich […]


Breastfeeding: Challenges and Solutions

As an Integrative Airway and Feeding chiropractor, I love helping moms and babies with breastfeeding issues. My journey with these families often begins during the prenatal phase. Comfortable prenatal experiences […]


Showing Up for Children Makes a Lasting Impression On Their Brains

Showing up in our lives and in the lives of our children is the juicy nectar of living fully. There is big meaning in that sentence. Take a moment to […]

Dania Shelton holding Elan, with mother Maria Applequist, Roi, Lincoln and Haddon.

Be Well Postpartum: 7 Tips for a Healthy Postpartum Experience

Throughout your pregnancy, you eat the right foods, drink plenty of fluids, rest and try to keep stress to a minimum. You might think once your baby arrives that you […]

Resource parents open their home and hearts to a children in need.

What is a Resource Parent? – How to Open Your Home and Heart to Children in Need

Here in the North State, approximately 1,350 children are not able to remain in their own homes. The Department of Social Services matches these children with a resource family where […]

The whole family benefits when dads are more active in their children’s lives. Photo by Kimberly Parodi

Science Says Fathers Need to Step Up to Increase Children’s Wellbeing

Dads are playing a greater role than ever before in raising their children and being a “stay-at-home dad” is no longer as frowned upon as it was only a few […]