Only recently have scientists begun to study the benefits of gratitude, or Vitamin G, as some like to call it, because it plays a critical role in health and happiness. Focusing on the positive boosts body, mind, and spirit. It gives us energy, inspires us and transforms us. This wonderful attitude provides life with meaning by thinking of life as a gift; and you have the ability to give this gift to your children.
The benefits of gratitude
Dr. Robert Emmons is the world’s leading scientific expert on gratitude. He conducted studies involving gratitude journals and found that when people regularly engage in gratitude, they experience measurable psychological, physical, and interpersonal benefits. Overall, grateful people:
Feel better about their lives
- Experience higher levels of positive emotions like optimism, enthusiasm, love, and happiness
- Are kinder and more generous to others
- Have fewer physical problems, including pain
- Exercise more regularly and eat healthier
- Sleep better
- Visit the doctor more regularly for checkups
- Feel less stressed
- Are able to cope with stress more effectively and recover more quickly from stressful situations
- Live longer. On average, being thankful adds seven years to our lives!
The gratitude cycle
Why does saying thank you have so many benefits for us? When we count our blessings, we interrupt the cycle of negative and fearful thoughts, which allows the stress system in our bodies to recover. Research shows that when we are thankful, we love our lives and want to make sure we stick around long enough to enjoy them. Also, when we receive praise from others, our brain releases the chemical dopamine, which encourages us to do more to receive such praise. This makes us want to thank others and make them feel good as well.
Parents teach children gratitude by example
In her book, 10 Mindful Minutes, Goldie Hawn explains that being thankful is not a natural instinct; children need to be taught how to do it. She asks parents to be a good example to their children by thanking them often. It is important to explain to our children why they are being praised.
Another important tip is to be careful not to judge how our children express gratitude. Young children under age seven may not fully grasp the concept. It is not what they are thankful for, but that they are learning how to express gratitude that matters. If they want to be thankful for a toy, that is okay.
Gratitude journals and family rituals
Keeping a gratitude journal is the backbone of gratitude scientific research. Anytime you read about gratitude, you will be asked to write down five points you are thankful for that day or week on an ongoing basis. Over time, you will begin to experience the benefits of gratitude such as stress reduction and optimism.
Some people find the traditional journal approach repetitive and boring. Fortunately, there are many more ways to express gratitude as a family, such as starting a nightly gratitude prayer ritual. Each family needs to discover what is most effective for the, and what makes them feel happier.
As technology changes and our children learn more about what they can do with computers, iPads, and iPhones, we can show them how to use these tools for something positive and for making them feel better.
Family gratitude journals in blog form
Try setting up a family gratitude journal blog (password protected, of course). You can even involve grandparents and cousins, no matter how far away they live. You could introduce this idea at the Thanksgiving table and challenge everyone to submit a post each week throughout the year.
Kids’ journals as audio recordings or videos
Children love to hear their own voices. You can have them record their journal on a phone or iPad. Once you have the recordings, you can get really creative by posting them online for others to listen to or you can even put it to music and create a song or rap using highlights of what they said.
Children also love watching videos of themselves. They will have a blast talking about what they are thankful for and watching it over and over. They could pretend to be reporters, breaking the gratitude news of the day; or act out scenes from the wonderful moments they had.
Ideas for handmade gratitude journals
For children who are more visual and artistic, ask them to draw or paint what they are thankful for at the time. You can then put the artwork together in a book organized by month or year. Create your own handmade journal or take pictures and use an online slideshow to present the images.
Looking for pictures in magazines or online to build a gratitude collage is a fun family project. And no artistic talent required! All that cutting is also a great way for your child to build fine motor skills.
Enjoy saying thank you with your children in these innovative ways. You can mix and match these media as well, such as posting videos on your gratitude blog.
Posted in: Youth & Teen
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