As many parents have begun to realize, the traditional ways in which children have been taught allowed many kids to fall through the cracks. Some students conform well to the existing frameworks. Others struggle due to time constraints or structural issues in the system and because not every learning style or socioeconomic situation is the same.
Education is a precious resource, nourishing the mind and providing opportunities for the future. Understanding this truth, Mastery Transcript Consortium (MTC) is on a mission to bring education into the 21st century, adapting to and with the needs of our modern world and helping to prepare children for the future.
Providing educational credits for nontraditional students
Mastery Transcript Consortium is an educational testing service company and a global nonprofit membership organization with big but actionable goals. The company is devoted to improving the outcomes of all students in nontraditional learning environments, maximizing their potential for whatever comes next by providing learning and credit advantages. The focus is on making mastery learning and competency-based education available for students who are or want to be gaining real world experience.
Launched March 1, 2017, MTC was born of a desire to change the landscape of education and credentialization, making learning metrics and credentialling available to an exponentially greater number of often underserved children.
MTC provides proof of college and career readiness
Mastery Transcript Consortium makes it easy to record proof of acquired skills, knowledge and fluency with your child’s outside-of-the-classroom education. Achieving project-based milestones in collaborative environments, focusing on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and modern skills, children are supported through mastering what they need to know to take on the real world.
These experiences, in and out of school, can be assessed to show career and college readiness, bridging the gap for many young learners wishing to further their education or directly apply their accumulated skills toward an existing passion.
Evidence of competency through flexible learning records
Partnering with educational institutions from middle school all the way to higher education, MTC works to make a smooth and streamlined transition to whatever life after high school looks like for non-traditionally educated students. The company collaborates across multiple towns, cities, counties and states, working with and investing in communities to strengthen and improve outcomes for outside-of-the-box situations and nontraditional learners alike. These fostered connections help springboard students to success.
It’s challenging to prove grade-based proficiencies on the job or in the field, since nontraditional students can’t rely on traditional metrics as evidence of their accomplishments. That’s why MTC has collaborated to create flexible and scalable learning records that students can use as evidence of competency which can be applied toward college and/or credentials.
Creating proof of mastery puts the power back into budding students’ hands and gives them something to hold on to. Whether that’s the ability to nab that straight-out-of-school dream job or to propel them toward the higher education path they’re seeking, having that option is monumentally empowering.
MTC supports North State nontraditional learners
With over 500 colleges accepting Mastery Transcripts or MTC Learning Records (and even more expected to evolve with the times), previously closed doors are opening wide to students across the country. We see that here in the North State where, in many local communities, nontraditional learning models flourish. Celebrating academic success doesn’t have to look the same for everyone anymore. Hands-on and practical learners are getting a chance to experience the same advantages that have previously only been available to their traditional-learning peers and this fresh chapter is proving to be an exciting development in our local schools, both traditional and nontraditional.
Competency-based education models are not only innovative, according to a growing number of education experts, they’re effective – and more people here in the North State and throughout the U.S. are taking notice. State leaders and education agencies, policymakers and parents are all seeing what opportunities these frameworks create and Mastery Transcript Consortium is leading the charge, supporting a growing number of schools in our region to provide the best advantages to North State youth.
More information on the efficacy and success of competency-based learning can be found at
Posted in: Education
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