Research supports learning a second language very early in childhood for long term proficiency. Strong social connections, greater cultural awareness and better overall academic performance, especially in reading, are commonly documented benefits of second language acquisition. A Spanish enrichment and performing arts preschool in Chico, a dual immersion international charter school in Anderson and a two-way immersion program in the Chico Unified School District offer Spanish and English instruction with proven practice models in which children graduate with bilingual and biliterate proficiency. Students of all three schools are taught to be responsible, compassionate, global citizens.
A Growth Mindset Empowers Children at Tree of Life Dual Immersion Language Program
The Tree of Life International Charter School (TLCS) is the realization of a dream of TLCS principal Deborah Wallace, offering a dual immersion English/Spanish program to children TK (transitional kindergarten) through the fourth grade in Anderson since August 2017. October 2024 heralded the grand opening of the new wing housing classrooms for grades five to eight. From 92 students in 2017 to 400 students currently, TLCS isn’t just growing its student body. A staff of 60 teaches a growth mindset where there is no shame or blame and students are taught empathy, forgiveness and compassion for others in a local and global context.
Language is a bridge for children
Not only do children become bilingual and biliterate in Spanish and English during their education, they become global citizens, honoring all cultures, equipped to solve real life problems and possessing the confidence to pursue and realize their dreams. “Language can be a wall or it can be a bridge,” Deborah says. “For us, we make it a bridge.” The two-week exchange program to Mexico for children grades six to eight, International Fridays featuring world culture, music and dance, hands-on learning, daily art and collaborative projects involving reading, writing and math, emphasis on career exploration, business internships for upper grades and two state-of-the-art science labs work together to foster growth of the mind and burgeoning dreams.

Tree of Life school fosters a culture of kindness.
Tree of Life’s culture of kindness
Beloved Tree of Life student Jonathan Ferguson would have been in the sixth grade this year. February marks the first anniversary of his tragic death. His classmates are honoring his memory by dedicating a new maker’s space under construction in his name, as he loved to create. “Our motto is ‘love is our first language’ and every single staff member lives that every day. And our children know that’s our motto. We really do have an amazing culture of kindness,” says Wallace with a smile in her voice.
Open enrollment is available until April 1. Call 530-378-7040 to schedule a Tuesday morning tour.
Rosedale Elementary School Two-Way Immersion Program
Marisol Lopez, principal of Rosedale Elementary School in Chico, leads the dual immersion K-5 program in which students are supported to become caring and respectful members of the community and learn to be bilingual and biliterate in Spanish and English within six years. Transitional kindergarten focuses curriculum on movement, music, singing, celebrating all cultures and supporting children to become global citizens.
Childhood is the ideal time to learn a new language
According to Marisol, research reveals that between the ages of three and seven, children possess “the most natural ability to absorb a second language.” Rosedale follows the 90-10 immersion model where 90% of the curriculum is taught in Spanish and 10% in English in kindergarten and first grade, with decreasing Spanish taught each grade until reaching 50-50 Spanish/English in the fifth grade.
“Childhood is the ideal time to learn a new language and the best time for students to acquire complete fluency, flawless pronunciation and a natural ease of expression,” Marisol says.
Open enrollment for TK and kindergarten occurs in early December. Enrollment for first grade through fifth grade is determined on a case-by-case basis. Each child seeking to enter the Rosedale program is assessed for readiness and optimal placement within the program. Contact Marisol Lopez (530)891-3104 regarding enrollment or visit for more information.
Mi Escuelita Maya Preschool & Children’s Performing Arts Program Creates a Sacred Space for Chico Children
Preschool age children in Chico are offered a unique Spanish enrichment program with a performing arts component at Mi Escuelita Maya (MEM), the only school of its kind in Northern California. Children as young as 2 years 7 months, socially and emotionally ready and potty trained, are eligible for participation.
Maria Trenda, principal and one of the school’s founders, loves providing “a sacred space for Chico children,” where children can “experience language through play, symbol recognition and learn basic life skills with a focus on phonetics, enrichment, using props, literature and performing arts.”
Play-based method offers myriad creative ways to integrate learning
After 18 years of cultivating her vision for play-based language learning, Maria knows firsthand that the earlier a child is introduced to language, the more fluid and rapid the acquisition. MEM uses an integrated program blending elements of the Waldorf approach as well as Montessori and hands-on thematic learning methods to engage the children in a meaningful way. At MEM, Maria says, “Children are seen and respected for who they are, in a place full of joy and creativity.”
Celebrating diversity early opens a golden door
Mi Escuelita Maya’s curriculum is global and integrated. Children are engaged in cooking, singing, dancing, learning folktales, storytelling and theater of world traditions. Using authentic materials from each culture, children learn life skills and social protocols. Maria is passionate about MEM’s global curriculum and says “celebrating diversity early opens a golden door” for the entire life of the child, empowering them in interpersonal communication and creating awareness of and empathy for others.
This year, MEM is introducing a play-based TK program for children 4 years old. Call (530)864-8860 to register.
Posted in: Education
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