North State Parent magazine



In the Zone with Green Loan Support

Reduce, reuse and recycle are words most of us have heard since childhood. But for GreenLoan Support in Tehama County, it’s not just talk. GreenLoan Support means to make this mantra manifest in the North State, as well as work to increase composting efforts and infrastructure while financing the creation of local jobs.

GreenLoan Support Is tackling Tehama’s small business needs

Starting a small business can be intimidating. Between the up-front costs and the time investment (not to mention the technical and resource sides of things), it can feel like you’re going it alone. But if you’re in Tehama County and your big idea is one that benefits the environment, GreenLoan Support wants you to know that they’re ready to be in your corner. With initiatives designed to assist with and fund waste reduction ventures, they’re putting their money where their mouth is.
GreenLoan Support is working to help environmentally minded businesses thrive in the North State through the Tehama County Recycling Market Development Zone, with a simple goal at its heart – increasing waste diversion and establishing local markets for recyclables. They have several options to support businesses to reach this goal, from assisting in applying for loans offered by the State of California, to providing technical assistance and free product marketing.

The Recycling Market Development Zone program was created by the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) to assist businesses that were unable to acquire financing through traditional financial institutions at a time when recycling remanufacturing was considered an “unproven” technology. While California has come a long way from “unproven” technologies to well proven and effective recycling and composting technologies, the funding and assistance provided by CalRecycle are invaluable in a world of ever-changing market conditions.

GreenLoan Support offers assistance applying for low interest loans

When it comes to financial resources, CalRecycle offers low interest loans with fixed rates. The current interest rate is 4%. Loans can fund up to three million dollars – more with the director’s approval – for machinery, real estate, capital improvements, and more. That’s a major shot in the arm for any new business. For details, see the loan criteria at

If you have a great green idea but you aren’t ready to jump in with both feet right away, be aware that CalRecycle reassesses their loan interest rates twice a year (in February and August), and they’re dedicated to keeping these interest rates attainably low and making the numbers as transparent as possible. GreenLoan Support’s Zone Administrator will give you the clearest and most up-to-date information on these rates, no matter when you pull the trigger on your project.

Business tools available through GreenLoan Support

Loans are not where the support stops. Free of charge, GreenLoan Support will help you find a suitable site for your Tehama County based company. GreenLoan Support understands good promotion is the life’s blood of small businesses, keeping operations energized and working. That’s why they also offer help in marketing your product or project through social media tools, free advertising and developing a website for your business.

Maybe you need one or more permits to get your big idea off the ground. Not to worry. GreenLoan Support can also aid in streamlining the process of getting permits you may need for your endeavor. They’ll even conduct free feedstock studies for you, to make sure you can obtain enough of the raw materials you need to get and keep your project going.

GreenLoan Support wants to help you be the change

Do you want to improve conditions in your community and maybe even help put the shine back on our little blue marble? Have you been holding onto the next big idea or have you been nurturing a solid and sustainable plan of action in your mind? If the answer is yes, now just might be a great time to take that plunge. Visit to find out what they can do to help you make your green dreams come true. A better world begins with you.

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Brianna Lee Keaney is a parent and California native with a passion for community service, education, the arts and equality. When not writing articles, Bri can be found tending an ever-growing mini zoo of rescues, creating things, tutoring and fighting the good fight.

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