The prospects for students starting to explore life after high school can be overwhelming, and families often need help knowing where to start. There are many options to weigh, from pursuing higher education to starting a career in an exciting new field.
Tools to make informed decisions about the future
College and Career Options, (CCO) a nonprofit organization located in Shasta County, provides resources and tools necessary to make an informed decision about the future. The group began 18 years ago as College Options, a program within the University of California Davis umbrella. In 2017 CCO officially launched as its own separate nonprofit, offering college planning, career planning and assessments, and informational workshops for families in Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama, Trinity and Modoc counties.
Chief Executive Officer Lianne Richelieu says the move was to better help the organization “represent all choices” and serve the whole community with outreach, advising and educational and career counseling. CCO is not the same as College Connections, a Shasta College program allowing high school students to enroll in college classes during their junior and senior years.
Help for all ages and goals
College is not always a viable option for everyone, so College and Career Options strives to make sure that all students have the opportunity to succeed after high school, whether through college or in the workforce. Their clients aren’t all fresh out of high school. A sizable number of those using CCO services are adults looking to return to school or make a change in their careers.
Richelieu says, “One of the biggest things we do now is what’s called a youth science career assessment, and anyone in the community can come in and take it.” This free tool is valuable for students and adults reentering college or the workforce because it assesses aptitude and interest.
The assessment results are then discussed with one of the advisors, who can help the test-taker understand their strengths and weaknesses and what kinds of careers or educational programs would be the best fit.
Along with assessment and advising for those seeking career exploration and planning, College and Career Options provides job interview and job shadowing resources and assistance.
Finding scholarships and other financial aid for college
Scholarships are one way to ease the financial burden of college, and College and Career Options has multiple resources on-site and online for scholarship search and application assistance.
Financial aid applications can also be a source of stress for many families. The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), the deadline for which is March 2, can be confusing and time-consuming, so CCO helps students complete the forms during their live presentations at local high schools. Families needing more assistance can view the many online videos and also make appointments for one-on-one counseling.
Community information events for kindergarten through adulthood
College and Career Options also hosts community events designed to help all ages of students and work seekers understand their options. Starting with the popular Kinder College Day held each year on the first Friday in May, around 1,500 kindergarteners will come to Simpson College for a “Very fun, energetic kind of day” exploring educational and career-themed booths.
More intensive services for middle and high schoolers focus on career exploration, college applications, financial aid, and scholarships.
For those who don’t want to pursue a college education or adults who are feeling stuck in their current job and want a change, Richelieu says,”They can come in and talk to us, and we can point them in the right direction, whether that’s more education or more training or whatever fits them the best.”
CCO’s College Quest, a college fair and information night, is part of a college fair tour network coordinated by statewide organizations. The event is held each fall and is planned and sponsored by CCO and other community partners.
Homeschooling families often miss out on the college and career counseling typically offered during junior and senior years in high school, so CCO steps in to help fill that need with multiple services including a resource book for parents to help get their kids on the right path based on their interests, strengths, and passions.
Upcoming Summer Program Scholarship opportunity
The College Options 2023 Summer Program Scholarship gives financial assistance to help 9th to 11th graders attend an academic enrichment program offered on a college or university campus during the coming summer.
This program allows local students to have a college experience by taking classes, living in residence halls, and interacting with students from other parts of California, the nation, and the world. Only in-person programs will be considered for funding, and the application deadline is Friday, March 24, 2023, at 5pm.
For more details about this scholarship and the other services at College and Career Options, contact the organization through your school counseling office, visit the website, or make an appointment through the website or by phone at (530)244-4022. You can also drop in at their location at 1321 Butte St., #101, in downtown Redding beside the Chamber of Commerce. All services are free.
Posted in: Education
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