Chico Cheer All-Stars; Chico. Athletic program provides safe and current training for cheerleaders to achieve their highest potential on and off the competition floor. chicocheerallstars.com. 13306 Cabin Hollow Ct., Ste. 120. (530)894-2227.
Sacramento Youth Football & Cheer; Chico, Durham, Paradise, Pleasant Valley. Participants ages 6-14 learn fundamentals of the sport, cheers and more. Open to boys & girls. Typically offer cheer camps and fun events. Sacyouthfootball.com.
- Chico Jr. Panthers. chicojrpanthers.org.
- Durham Junior Trojans. durhamjuniortrojans.com.
- Paradise Jr. Bobcats. facebook.com/paradisejuniorfootball
- Pleasant Valley Jr. Vikings. pvjrvikings.org.
Sacramento Youth Football & Cheer; Anderson, Redding, Cottonwood. Participants ages 6-14 learn fundamentals of the sport, cheers and more. Open to boys & girls. Typically offer cheer camps and fun events. sacyouthfootball.com.
- Anderson Jr. Cubs. andersonjrcubs.sportngin.com. (530)440-0856.
- Enterprise Jr. Hornets; Redding. facebook.com/EnterpriseJrHornets. (530)338-2000.
- Shasta Jr. Wolves; Redding. facebook.com/ShastaJrWolvess. (530)782-0845.
- West Valley Jr. Eagles; Cottonwood. Westvalleyjreagles.com.
Yreka Jr. Miners Youth Football & Cheer; Yreka. Provides a safe environment for youth ages 6-14 to learn and apply the principles of teamwork, discipline, dedication & sportsmanship. yrekajrminers.com.
Corning Youth Football & Cheer. For ages 6-14. Emphasizes school performance and competent coaching in a safe environment. facebook.com/people/Corning-Youth-Football-and-Cheer.
Red Bluff Jr. Spartans. For ages 6-14. Programs create an atmosphere conducive to the development of mind, character and physical skill. tshq.bluesombrero.com/rbjspartans.