Biggs-Richvale; The Biggs-Richvale Little League (BRLL) is committed to creating a community where kids ages 4-17 can have fun, grow and succeed in an active and healthy environment. biggsrichvalell.com. Ages 4-17.
Chico Eastside. Chico Eastside Little League aspires to be an outstanding educational-athletic organization that provides a high-quality experience to every player. chicoeastsidelittleleague.com.
Chico Softball Little League. A non-profit youth organization. CSLL is made possible by volunteers, sponsors and participation fees. Our goal is to provide the community with an educational athletic organization that provides fun and satisfaction by all. Chicosoftballlittleleague. (530)864-2751.
Chico Westside Little League. An outstanding educational-athletic organization that provides a high-quality experience where every athlete is coached using the principles of the Little League Double-Goal Coach, has fun playing the game, feels like an important part of the team regardless of performance, learns life lessons that have value beyond the playing field, learns the skills, tactics and strategies of the game; and improves as a player. Email support@ChicoWestside.com.
Durham Little League. Little League baseball and softball. Durhamlittleleague.org. (530)519-8352.
Gridley Little League. Offers the community an exceptional educational athletic organization that provides enjoyment and satisfaction to all. tshq.bluesombrero.com/gridleyllbca.
Lake Oroville Little League. lakeorovillelittleleague.org. (530)552-1890.
Palermo Little League. tshq.bluesombrero.com/Palermolittleleague.
Paradise Little League. Ages 4-17. We are a community that loves our children & the game of baseball. paradiselittleleague.org.
Hamilton Capay Little League; Hamilton City. hamiltoncapay.org.
Orland Little League. Season runs March-June with sign-ups starting online in November and in person sign ups in January. Orlandlittleleague.org or search “Orland Little League” on Facebook. orlandllbaseball@gmail.com. (530)519-1865.
Willows Little League. willowslittleleague.org. (530)228-1857.
Anderson Little League. andersonlittleleague.com. (530)365-1391.
Burney Basin Little League. Offering Tee Ball, Farm, and Minor Teams. Search “Burney Basin Little League” on Facebook. (530)355-8061.
Cottonwood Little League. facebook.com/CLLballpark. (530)347-5582.
East Redding Little League. Offers a fun and competitive experience for boys and girls ages 4 through 16. Our programs focus on the development of baseball & softball skills, teamwork, sportsmanship, perseverance and a love for the game; all in a fun, family-oriented atmosphere. Erllbaseball.com.
Foothill Little League & Softball; Palo Cedro, Bella Vista, Millville & Shingletown. Players are developed in the lower leagues in order to become great players and teammates once they move on to high school and beyond. facebook.com/FoothillAreaLittleLeague.
Intermountain Youth Sports; McArthur. facebook.com/intermountainyouthsports.
Shasta Dam Area Little League Baseball; Shasta Lake. A local youth baseball organization managed and run entirely by volunteers for the benefit of children in our community from the age of 4 in t-ball up to age 16 in the Seniors division. sdallbaseball.com.
West Redding Little League. Teaches baseball to boys and girls 4-18 in a safe, fun and competitive manner. Programs focus on the development of skills, sportsmanship, and a love for the game of baseball, all in a fun, family-oriented community. Funded entirely by registration fees, concession profits, and sponsor donations, and is operated 100% by volunteers. wrll.net/home.
Central Tehama; Los Molinos. Centraltehama.com. email centraltehama@gmail.com. (530)864-4021.
Corning Little League. clubs.bluesombrero.com. Email corningcalittleleague@gmail.com. (530)366-2949.
Red Bluff. Offering t-ball, farm, minors & majors softball and baseball. redblufflittleleague.com.
South Siskiyou; Mt. Shasta. Joint community effort to provide baseball and softball to the youth of our communities. tshq.bluesombrero.com/southsiskiyoull. (530)966-4962.
Yreka. Offering t-ball, farm, minor and major teams. leagues.bluesombrero.com/yrekalittleleague