Johnson U-Pick Farm; Gridley. U-pick cherries, boysenberries, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries. Summer vegetables and pumpkin patch. May-Oct., Sat & Wed, 8am-3pm. Call or visit the website to find out what’s ripe for picking. johnsonupickfarm.com. 113 Higgins Ave., off Hwy 99. (530)846-5871.
Sierra Cascade Blueberry Farm; Forest Ranch. Pick your own organic blueberries right on the farm in the foothills of Forest Ranch. sierracascadeblueberries.com. 12753 Doe Mill Road. (530)894-8728.
Boysen Berry Farm; Orland. U-pick organic boysenberries. Purchase organic jams, sauces, and syrups on site. rudysoriginal.com. 6282 Co Rd 23. (530) 936-5050.
Hawes Fruit and Vegetable Stand; Anderson. Peaches are the favorite but this long-running fruit and vegetable stand by the river also boasts melons, tomatoes, onions, squash and much more. Mon-St 9am-5pm. 6150 Deschutes Rd. (530)365-8239.
Serendipity U-Pick Ranch; Anderson. Cherries, blueberries, boysenberries, plums, peaches, figs, apples, nectarines and flowers. Meet farm animals. 6315 Parkridge Dr. (530) 949-5985.
Hunter Orchards; Grenada. Peaches, nectarines, apricots, vegetables, raspberries, fingerling potatoes, tomatoes, salad mixes and lavender in the summer. In fall, many varieties of organic apples, from sweet Gala and Fujis to tart crisp Spartans, Winesaps and Empires. hunterorchards.com. 14431 Old Westside. info@hunterorchards.com. (530)436-2532.
Hillside Poms; Capay. U-pick pomegranates, plus pomegranate products like jellies and grenadine. 1271 Capay Rd. (530) 228-3050.
Julia’s Fruit Stand; Los Molinos. Family-owned fruit stand that grows almost all the produce they sell. Their goal is to sell produce that was picked that very morning, guaranteeing you the freshest, and ripest produce you can get. They specialize in heirloom tomatoes but are also very proud of their peaches, nectarines, and apricots. facebook.com/juliasfruitstand14. 11475 CA-99. (530)354-4775.