Field To Fork California; Red Bluff. Delivers to Tehama and Shasta Counties. Farmers market to your door. We partner with certified farmers in our community to bring harvested-to-order produce and farm-fresh meats and dairy to our retail shoppers and CSA members year-round. Boxes are delivered locally every Wed or Thurs. No sign-up or cancellation fees. Order online. (530)567-6478.
Chico State University Farm. Serving as both hands-on experience for university students studying agriculture and a resource for the community, University Farm offers an organic vegetable project, orchards, organic vegetables, u-pick peaches and fresh meat. Call for more info about obtaining produce or visiting farm sites. Monthly guided public tours. 311 Nicholas C Shouten Ln. (530)898-6343.
GRUB (Growing Resourcefully Uniting Bellies) CSA Farm; Chico. Weekly fresh, sustainable, local produce box pick-ups from a farm 3.5 miles from downtown Chico. Mid-Apr. through mid-Dec., winter shares available too. 3197 W. Sacramento Ave. (530)680-4543.
Harvest Hope at the Jesus Center Farm; Chico. One-of-a-kind Community Sponsored Agriculture (CSA) that is about more than just growing crops—it’s about harvesting hope—providing participants healing, practical skills and so much more. 2255 Fair St. (530)345-2640.
Country Organics; Redding. Local delicatessen and small array of completely local herbs, produce and nuts. 2745 Bechelli Ln. (530)215-1168.
Churn Creek Meadow Organic Farm; Redding. Small family farm, certified organic produce. Delivers produce and fruits with 6 boxes to choose from in Redding and surrounding area. (530)949-9508.
Little Sprouts Urban Farm Stand; Redding. Fresh, organic sprouts and microgreens produced for chefs, restaurants and subscription clients. Available for pickup at the urban farm stand location or delivery in Redding, Chico and beyond. (530)941-2010.
Copeland Family Farms; Grenada. A community farm with members milking, growing vegetables, raising chickens, beef and eggs. Safe A2A2 milk. Cows tested regularly for Qfever, BLC, BVD, Johnes, TB and brucellosis. Milk delivery available to Mount Shasta, Weed, Yreka, Ft. Jones and Etna. Sustainable farming practices. Cheese recipes and cheese making classes. (530) 598-2358.
McClane Family Farms; Montague. Beef humanely pasture raised, grass fed and watered by aquifers from the majestic Mt. Shasta. No antibiotics or growth hormones. Check online for current availability. Harry Cash Rd. (530)255-4365.
Rockside Ranch; Etna. 100-acre organic ranch that raises healthy animals outside. Scheduled deliveries to Chico, Redding, Mount Shasta and Yreka. Deliveries to Rogue Valley by appt. Order lamb, pork, chicken, eggs, honey and more online or at the farm. 2421 N. State Highway 3. (530)467-4044.
Siskiyou Food Pantry; Weed. Farmer’s market style display for produce only with a suggested $1 donation. Bring your own bag. Providing emergency food boxes to those who qualify. Open Wed 11am-3pm. Weed Elementary School Annex, 780 S. Davis Avenue. (530)408-6115.
Kitchel Family Organics; Los Molinos. Organic farm on 10 acres with over 60 organic fruit, nut and vegetable commodities with many varieties. Offers two sizes of weekly, mixed produce boxes for $10 & $20. 25255 3rd Ave. (530)384-3085 – text preferred.
Red Gate Ranch; Red Bluff. Pick up locations in Red Bluff and Redding. Pastured heritage pork and grass finished beef as well as a weekly vegetable box CSA which provides members with a seasonal variety of vegetables and herbs from their gardens. Members receive weekly emails with recipes, promotions on their pasture raised meats and invitations to member exclusive activities. Produces nearly year-round vegetables from regenerative farm. Shares Jan-Oct/Nov. Members can choose from full or half share options and payment plans are available to fit all budgets. The stand in Red Bluff is open Weds 1-6pm from Apr-Oct. Organic nursery starts now available too! 19020 Hwy 36 W. (530)727-8717.