Carnegie Library. Free online homework help site for grades K-12 in over 60 subjects. Pages for teachers and parents too. (412)622-3114.
How Stuff Works. Info, quizzes, quality videos and answers to questions on a vast variety of topics.
Khan Academy. Free, personalized learning resource for all ages. Practice exercises, instructional videos & personalized dashboard. Learners study at their own pace. Topics include math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics and more. Khan partners with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences and MIT to offer specialized content.
Kid Info. Website provides students, teachers and parents links to quality educational websites, videos and presentations for pre-K–grade 12.
Shasta Public Library Live Online Homework Help. Offers live online tutoring daily. Login with your Shasta County library card number (available to all). Click on “Learn”. (530)245-7250.