North State Parent magazine


Field Trips & Tours


Forebay Aquatic Center: The only aquatic education center north of Sacramento. Specializes in school and youth program field trips. Offerings include water safety, boating skills, environmental education, birding, hands on science and fun physically active outdoor experiences. Salmon spawning tours, river adventures and much more for a huge variety of outdoor, adventure learning. Located at the beautiful North Forebay State Recreation Area. 930 Garden Drive, Oroville (530)774-7934.


Bolt’s Antique Tool Museum; Oroville. The largest known documented collection of hand tools in the United States, with more than 13,000 items on display. Tours available. Search Bolt’s Antique Tool Museum at 1650 Broderick St. (530)538-2528.

Chico Children’s Museum; Chico. Enriching early childhood learning through inclusive, accessible, hands-on experiences that celebrate curiosity, connect families and create community. Numerous interactive exhibits, including a sensory room. Visit the magical wonderland of play and exhibitions. Tues-Sun 10am-4pm. 325 Main St. (530)809-1492.

Chico Community Observatory; Chico. Telescopes, knowledgeable docents and outdoor planetarium. Free. Near Horseshoe Lake in Upper Bidwell Park, look for sign at intersection of Wildwood Ave. and Observatory Way. 1 Observatory Way. (530) 895-4711.

Chico Creek Nature Center; Chico. Quality educational programs for elementary school students and the public. K-5th grade. Uses the natural systems of Bidwell Park as a classroom. 1968 E 8th St. (530)891-4671.

Chico History Museum; Chico. Hosts prestigious traveling hands-on exhibits and exhibits that focus on local Chico and Butte County history. Housed in Chico’s 1905 historic Carnegie Library building. Classroom tours. 141 Salem St. (530)891-4336.

Chico Performances Field Trips. Designed for students from Pre-K through 12th grade. Each year, we welcome schools, families, homeschool groups, and organizations that support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities from throughout the North State to attend theater and dance performances.

Chico State Ecological Reserves Outdoor Classroom; Forest Ranch. Free hands-on science field trips for 3rd-5th grade, addressing state standards and environmental stewardship in a fun and engaging way. Field trips at Big Chico Creek and Butte Creek. For public hikes visit 3521 14 Mile House Rd. (530)898-5010.

Gateway Science Museum; Chico. Inspiring young people to become future scientists, engineers and technology professionals through NGSS based field trip activities for grades K-12. Hands-on and minds-on exhibits change seasonally. 625 Esplanade. (530)898-4121.

Gray Lodge Wildlife Area; Gridley. Year-round wildlife viewing in a 9,100-acre wetland area. In fall and winter see vast numbers of migratory waterfowl. A museum, paved trail to a viewing platform and seasonal guided tours Oct-Feb. Annual events include a children’s fishing day. Open sunrise to sunset. 3207 Rutherford Rd., along the Pacific Flyway. (530)846-7500, Sat-Sun (530)846-7505.

Kinetics Academy of Dance & Gymnastic; Chico. Bring your group to us or we can come to you. Besides providing a basic dance or gymnastic lesson we talk about the benefits of these disciplines and provide students with take-home knowledge they can apply. We can tailor our expertise to fit your desired needs. 18 months & up. 627 Broadway St., Suite 100. (530)345-2505.

Lott Home; Oroville. The C.F. Lott Home in Sank Park was built in 1856 by Charles F. Lott, a gold-rush pioneer, California senator and judge. Book a guided school or group tour to learn captivating stories of the Lott family and their importance to early California history. The house & garden encompass an entire city block. Fri & Sat 10:30am-2:30pm. See Museum Listings under Parks & Tree Department at 1067 Montgomery St. (530)538-2401.

Museum of Northern California Art (MONCA); Chico. Inspire curiosity, creativity and a love for the arts with a field trip to the MONCA. Students can explore thought-provoking exhibitions, dive into a world of imagination in our art library and even play the piano in a space designed to spark inspiration. Whether they’re discovering new artists, reflecting on powerful works or finding their own creative voice, MONCA offers students an unforgettable experience that blends education with artistic discovery. Email Pat Macias to book field trips. 900 Esplanade. (530)487-7272.

National Yo-Yo Museum; Chico. The world’s largest public display of yo-yos and yo-yo memorabilia. Free weekly yo-yo club practices and lessons. Check website for current hours. 320 Broadway. (530)893-0545.

Oregon City School; Table Mountain. The oldest standing one-room school in Butte County. Photos of past students. See the covered bridge and tour the nearby Cherokee Museum (by appt). During the wildflower season stop and picnic under the trees. for opening hours. 2100 Oregon Gulch Rd. (530)533-9418.

Gold Nugget/ Depot Museum; Paradise. The museum currently features rotating mini-exhibits in the lobby while they work towards opening their exhibition hall. Admission is free, though donations are graciously accepted. Website offers online artifact collection. 475 Pearson Rd. (530)762-2613.

Northern Buttes District of California State Parks; Oroville. Whether virtual or in-person, there are several free educational opportunities for classrooms to enjoy here. Learn about the smallest superheroes and their contributions to our environment or discover how pollinators, plants and people are interconnected. for more information and to begin scheduling your parks experience.

Paradise Gem & Mineral Club; Paradise. Adventures that inspire appreciation for rocks and minerals, earth sciences, lapidary techniques and general rockhounding. Monthly activity nights and field trips that include rock hunting and trips to gem and rock shows. (530)343-0894.

Patrick Ranch Museum; Durham. Dedicated to enhancing the understanding and appreciation of the area’s rich agricultural heritage. Tour the beautiful 1877 Glenwood Farmhouse Museum and visit our Gift Shop and Visitor Center exhibits. Annual events include the California Nut Festival, Country Fair & Tractor Show, Artisan Fair & Craft Show, and Autumn Fest. School and group tours available. 10381 Midway, halfway between Chico and Durham. (530)342-4359.

Serene Ranch; Cottonwood. Equine lessons and fun with the horses. Everyone gets to ride. Certified in Equine Assisted Learning and Therapy. We offer group and individual lessons. Learning horsemanship and riding skills translates into life skills. Safety and fun come first. Find us on Facebook or email 3871 Rancho Estates Rd. (530)440-1808.

Square Deal Mattress Factory; Chico. Facility tours for individuals, families, youth groups and school classes. Tours include a mix of manufacturing knowledge along with the rich history of California’s beautiful North State. Call for hours. 1354 Humboldt Ave. (530)342-2510.

The Worm Farm; Durham. Family farm with 5,000 linear feet of windrows of redworms. Hands-on group tours year-round by appt. Wear gardening clothes when visiting. Provides gardeners with a means of producing healthy plants while positively affecting the environment. Call for appointment. 9033 Esquon Rd., 7 miles south of Chico. (530)894-1276.

Valene L. Smith Museum of Anthropology;  Chico State. Hands-on, in-person field trips for all K-12 levels. Plus virtual options. New exhibits annually explore histories and diverse stories of the world around us. Free admission.  Call 530 898-5397 or visit to set up a class visit.

Wild Things; Weimar. Let Wild Things share a fun-filled and energetic experience with your school, library or private event. Wild Things brings rescued exotic and native wildlife to you and utilizes the animals’ personal stories to teach natural history, unique adaptations and a conservation message. Wild Things has something for everyone with topics such as: the Amazing Amazon, North American Wildlife, Beasts of the Backyard, Animals of the World, and Scaly Wonders, among others. In-person & live or recorded virtual programs. (530)878-2618.


Guide Dogs for The Blind; San Rafael, CA. & Boris, OR. School groups grades 2 and up can tour the facilities to learn how guide dogs assist blind people. All tours are at 10am and require advance reservation. Tours can also attend canine graduations. Virtual tours offered. (800)295-4050 or (415)499-4000.

Marine Mammal Center; Sausalito. With tours for every age, the Marine Mammal Center exposes kids to the importance of healthy oceans for humans and marine mammals. The center rescues and rehabilitates sea mammals. Open Fri-Mon. 2000 Bunker Rd. (415)289-7325.


Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park; Nevada City. Hydraulic mining washed away mountains in pursuit of gold. Visit California’s largest hydraulic mine & learn about the gold mining era through the Environmental Living Program. Day and overnight programs. Visitors center offers exhibits and info. 23579 N Bloomfield Rd. (530)265-2740.

Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad Museum; Nevada City. Dedicated to the preservation of local transportation history and artifacts from the narrow gauge railroad era. Docent-led historical tours of the museum, rail yard and restoration shop. See wooden rail cars and more, including an 1875 Baldwin locomotive that hauled lumber, passengers and freight, then was a movie engine at Universal Studios in Hollywood. School & group tours available. Free. Check website or call for change of hours. Open Sat & Sun 10am-4pm. 5 Kidder Ct. (530)470-0902.


Maidu Museum & Historic Site; Roseville. Field trips for schools, youth groups and homeschool groups. Includes a guided tour of the museum’s Native American cultural exhibits, activities and a trail tour of the historic site. Programs meet California history and social science content standards for grades pre-K-6. A shorter program is offered for grades pre-K-2 and special needs groups. 1970 Johnson Ranch Dr. (916)774-5934.


California State Capitol Museum & Building Tour; Sacramento. Expose kids to where laws are born and history is made. Free guided school tours by reservation. Virtual tours and virtual interactive field trips also available. 1315 10th St. (916)324-0333.

California State Railroad Museum; Sacramento. Drill a hole in granite, drive a railroad spike, discover the gold rush through interactive melodrama or ride in a vintage railway car with your classmates. Homeschool programs too. 111 I St. (916) 323-9280.

Esquire IMAX Educational Films; Sacramento. Large format films accompanied by activity guides that support national education standards for science, geography, math and English. Films let groups encounter wild animals, swim to the bottom of the sea and more. Adventures in Wild California is especially appropriate for grades 4-8. (916)446-2333 ext. 201.

Sacramento History Museum; Old Sacramento. Educational programs for field trips, all adhering to California Curriculum Standards. Programs include living history, Victorian-era mysteries, California Native American exhibits, Gold Rush experiences, underground tours and more. Virtual programs available. 101 I St. (916)808-6896.


Judge Richard Behrens-Eaton House; Redding. The museum brings history to life with exhibitions about the region’s colorful past from the 1800s to the present. Discover life as it was in the Victorian and Gold Rush eras. 1520 West Street. (530)241-3454.

City of Anderson Water Pollution Control Plant; Anderson. Students of all ages can learn what happens to our sewage water in a field trip that takes them through the steps of sewage wastewater treatment before it is released into the Sacramento River. Students will view the microorganisms used in a natural biological process that treats the water. 3701 Rupert Rd. (530)378-6626.

Coleman National Fish Hatchery; Anderson. One of the largest Chinook salmon and steelhead hatcheries in the lower 48 states. See the hatchery building, rearing raceways, fish ladder, Battle Creek Trail, spawning operations (Oct-Feb) and more. Open daily for informative self-guided tours. 24411 Coleman Fish Hatchery Rd. (530)365-8622.

Court House Museum; Old Shasta. Part of Shasta State Historic Park. Bring your group to tour a former county courthouse restored to its 1861 appearance. Exhibits include 100 years of California artwork. See remains of brick buildings that were once the center of Gold Rush era activity. See historic roadways, cottages & cemeteries. Field trip guides for teachers online. Search Courthouse Museum on 15312 CA-299 W. (6 miles west of Redding). (530)243-8194.

Lake Shasta Caverns; Lakehead. Take a boat ride across Shasta Lake, then a scenic bus ride to the cavern entrance. Enjoy a one-hour guided tour through the caverns. Other tour options. School groups can experience the Underground Classroom. 20359 Shasta Caverns Rd. (530)238-2341.

Redding Reptiles; Redding. Check out reptiles from around the world on display in the Reptile Exhibit Room, a sanctuary/home to 50+ reptiles that have been surrendered. Pets, supplies and feeders available. Store: Tue-Sat 11am-6pm. Exhibit Room: Wed-Sat 12-5:30pm. 74 Lake Blvd. (530)338-2446.

Schreder Planetarium; Redding. Educational programs for school and youth groups in a 1,700-square-foot planetarium with a 10-meter projection dome. See the night sky projected in the dome and experience other engaging programming that supports elementary and middle school field trips to align with newly developed curricula and Next Generation Science Standards. See Programs at Book field trips through the website. 1644 Magnolia Ave. (530)225-0243.

Shasta Dam; Shasta Lake. Shasta Dam is a curved gravity dam across the Sacramento River at Lake Shasta just north of Redding. It provides beautiful views of the lake and Mt. Shasta. At 602-ft. high, it is the eighth tallest dam in the United States. Free, guided tours year-round, each taking 2-3 hrs. 16349 Shasta Dam Blvd. (530)247-8555.

Shasta Land Trust; Redding. Learn about our local ecosystems, wildlife and the natural wonders of our biodiverse region. Events include family-friendly hikes, bike rides, movie screenings and more! All events support local land conservation efforts in protecting wildlife habitat, recreational lands and working agricultural farms and ranches. Visit to sign-up. 5170 Bechelli Ln. (530)241-7886.

Star Parties; Whiskeytown National Recreation Area. Join members of the Shasta Astronomy Club seasonally to view the amazing sights in the sky. Telescopes provided. Free event. Viewings held at Oak Bottom marina parking lot, weather permitting. 13124 Kennedy Memorial Dr. (530)242-3450.

Turtle Bay Exploration Park; Redding. Schedule a group adventure to learn about a variety of topics including science, art, history, forestry, native animal species, horticulture and more. 844 Sundial Bridge Dr. (530)242-3108.

Wintu Museum & Cultural Resource Center; Shasta Lake City. The Wintu Museum & Cultural Resource Center is a one-of-a-kind community project designed to provide a comprehensive immersion into the Wintu history and culture. Features include historical timeline, artwork from Native Americans, traditional dug-out canoe, honor wall for Native American veterans and unique activities for children. 4755 Shasta Dam Blvd. (530)605-1726.

Whiskeytown Environmental School Clear Creek Field Labs: Whiskeytown National Recreation Area. Field trip series for grades K–8, with mini units based on California State Science Standards. Includes three pre-classroom lessons, a 2-3 hour field lab led by a naturalist and a post classroom lesson. Fall 2024 Field labs run Sept. 23-Oct 25. Spring 2025 labs run March-May. Program provided by the Shasta County Office of Education. Search WES K-8th Field Labs on (530)225-0200.


Alpaca on the Rocks; Weed. Kids will fall in love with the friendly alpacas, mini horses and more on this five-acre ranch. Guests can visit the animals and help with their care as well as run around the ranch and just be kids. Tables available. Call Nancy for availability and pricing. The ranch store offers beautiful and unique jewelry, along with alpaca socks, handmade creatures and yarn. By appointment only. 5004 Solus Dr. (530)859-1994.

Lava Beds National Monument; Tulelake. Site of the largest concentration of lava tube caves in North America. Open year-round for self-guided exploration. Ranger-led explorations and evening campfire programs that explore the monument’s Native American history available Memorial Day-Labor Day. Rangers help match children’s interests and capabilities to the numerous developed caves. 1 Indian Well HQ. (530)667-8113.

Liberty Arts Explorations Program; Yreka. 90-min educational arts program for grades K-12. Includes gallery tour, discussion and hands-on art project related to the current exhibition theme. 108 W. Miner St. (530)842-0222.

Maagic Mountain Farm; Mount Shasta. Come experience how some grandparents lived on a working homestead with milk goats, ducks, chickens, honey bees, a garden and more. Year-round, hands-on, interactive animal field trips, homestead classes, group or individual tours and guest farm stays. In connection with the land, all the creatures work together to provide for everyone’s needs through sustainable interdependent living. (530)925-6752.

Mount Shasta Fish Hatchery; Mount Shasta. The West’s oldest operating hatchery raises trout to stock mountain streams, rivers & lakes. Feed the fish and learn how they are raised. At this time only self guided tours outside the building are available. Please call for updated information. Open daily. 3 N. Old Stage Rd. (530)926-2215.

Mount Shasta Sisson Museum; Mount Shasta. School and private groups can tour the museum to view exhibits and enjoy hands-on displays. See a vintage fire truck, model railroad and locomotive engine control panel and play with old-fashioned toys. Learn about water in our area, read stories from community members and take part in water activities. 1 N. Old Stage Rd. (530)926-5508.

Mt. Shasta Stargazers Club; Mount Shasta. Promotes interest in astronomy and its related sciences. Free public star parties and other events. Meetings first Tuesday of each month.

River Dancers River & Kayak Adventures; Mount Shasta. Family and school rafting trips, day outings and overnight multi-day camps. Trained guides help guests discover new ways to enjoy the environment while learning skills on the river. Includes swimming, water play, learning about wildlife and good food. 308 S. Mount Shasta Blvd. (530)918-8610.

Siskiyou Arts Museum; Dunsmuir. A nonprofit, volunteer run gift shop and gallery featuring artwork from local and regional artists and providing space for classes, workshops and events. Docent tours to schools and groups by appt. 5824 Dunsmuir Ave. (530)235-4711.

Weed Historic Lumber Town Museum. Logging and town memorabilia, including the town’s original jail cell. Off-season tours available by appt. Open Thur-Mon, Memorial Day-Sept.,10am-5pm. 303 Gilman Ave. (530)938-0550.


Fort Ross Conservancy; Jenner. The Environmental Living Program (ELP) at Fort Ross Conservancy provides hands-on learning so students can experience the joys of history as active participants. Students learn about the many cultures and lifestyles by performing some of the tasks that were a part of daily life at Fort Ross. Please visit the website for more information on the Marine Ecology program and other day & overnight programs available. 19005 Coast Hwy. (707)847-3437.

The National Heirloom Exposition Field Trip; Ventura. During the Expo, the fairground’s streets and pavilions are filled with pure foods enthusiasts, talented home gardeners, farmers, garden artists, school groups and leading thinkers and doers in the pure food movement. This year’s event will be held September 10-12, 2024 9am-9pm. Ages 17 & under free. 10 E Harbor Blvd.


Great Cats World Park; Cave Junction. Interactive and educational 10-acre park home to lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, ocelots, lynx, a fishing cat and more. Meet feline ambassadors, learn about the plight of rare and endangered cats and watch trainers interact with the animals. Guided school and private group tours. 27919 Redwood Hwy. (541)592-2957.

Oregon Caves National Monument & Preserve; Cave Junction. Ranger-led cave tours late Mar-Nov. Tour reservations recommended. 19000 Caves Hwy. (541)592-2100 ext. 2261.

ScienceWorks Hands-On Museum; Ashland. Hands-on experiences promoting the exploration of science and the arts in a multi-sensory environment. School field trips and educator resources support instruction of content and process standards. Field trip options include demonstrations and hands-on activities related to chemistry, physics and natural history/biology in line with state educational standards. 1500 E. Main St. (541)482-6767.


Sutter Buttes Education Program; Yuba City. School hikes create access to this unique, privately owned mini mountain range from Oct-May. Tailored to grades 3-5. Submit online form to inquire about scheduling a hike. (530)370-4777.

Sutter County Museum; Yuba. Museum tells the story of the Yuba-Sutter community, from the Native Americans who lived here pre-contact to the present through a combination of permanent and temporary exhibits and public programs. Free admission. Call to ensure museum is open. 1333 Butte House Rd. (530)822-7141.


Gail’s Mini-Donkey Ranch; Los Molinos. Call ahead for a free visit. Gail is ready to share her friendly, registered miniature Mediterranean donkeys with visitors and to teach them about their unique traits. (530)384-1318.

Gaumer’s Mineral & Mining Museum; Red Bluff. Gold mining, fossils, Native American artifacts, rocks, crystals and fluorescent minerals. Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm. School & virtual tours available. 78 Belle Mill Rd. (530)527-6166.

Kelly-Griggs Museum; Red Bluff. This classical 2-story Victorian home was built in the 1880s. Victorian garbed mannequins, authentic antique furnishings of the period, Native American artifacts and photographs of Tehama County’s past. 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month, 1-4pm. 311 Washington St. (530)527-1129.


Joss House Chinese Temple & Museum; Weaverville. The oldest continuously used Chinese temple in California. On display are art objects, pictures, mining tools and weapons used in the 1854 Tong War. This Taoist temple is still a place of worship and a fascinating look into the role played by Chinese immigrants in early California history. Thursday – Sunday. Highway 299 & Oregon St. (530)623-5284 or (530)225-2065.

This page was last updated Mar-21-2025. For updates/corrections send us an email at and mention Field Trips & Tours in the subject line.

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