Page 40 - Family Resource Guide Spring/Summer 2025
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                 Redding Christian Elementary & High Schools; Palo Cedro. Preschool & grades pre-K-12. 21945 Old 44 Dr. (530)547-5600.
St. Joseph School; Redding. Grades TK-8. 2460 Gold St. (530)243-2302.
Trinity Lutheran School; Redding. Early learning center for toddlers through Pre-K. After-school care for grades K-6 during school breaks and summer va- cation. 2440 Hilltop Dr. (530)221-6686.
Cedar Grove; Dunsmuir. Grades K-8. Wal- dorf-inspired education. cedargrovecen- 4303 Oak St.
Mountain Scholars: A Classical Latin Heritage School; Mount Shasta. Hybrid program. K-8. Rhetoric for grades 9-12. shawnabarr@
Sacred Heart Parish School; Red Bluff. Grades TK-8. 2255 Mon- roe Ave. (530)527-6727.
Whittenberg Country School; Red Bluff. Grades K-8. 18945 Reeds Creek Rd. (530)529-0866.
Butte County Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA). The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act requires the Butte County SELPA to seek out and serve children who are suspected of having a disability
and children from birth to age 21 who may need special education services, including highly mobile (such as migrant or homeless) children with disabilities. If you believe your child may have special education needs, please contact your local school district or the SELPA. Many children have learning needs that may be addressed through special education or related services. The first step to determine if your child qualifies for special education or related services is to make a referral to your local education agen- cy. Visit or call us at (530) 532-5875.
Butte County Office of Education; Oroville. Committed to the success of every student and the excellence of every educator. Special edu- cation, early care, homeless and migrant edu- cation services, expanded learning after-school programs, summer camps and a career and technical education center. 15 public school districts. 1859 Bird St. (530)532-5650. Glenn County Office of Education. Quality programs and services for lifelong learning. Community programs like early head start, S.P.A.R.K afterschool program and the Glenn County Literacy Program, which provides free computer workshops and after-school reading, essay writing, ESL and resume writ-
ing help. The office may help some parents with childcare payments. Nine public school districts.
Orland: 676 E. Walker Street. 530.865.1267.
Willows: 311 S Villa Ave. (530)934-6575.
Shasta County Office of Education; Redding. Shasta County students receive
a quality education that prepares them for high school graduation and success in ca- reer and college. Many programs, including special nutrition services and STEM events. 24 public school districts plus numerous public charter schools. 1644 Magnolia Ave. (530)225-0200.
Siskiyou County Office of Education; Yreka. After-school programs for academic support and physical fitness, as well as specialty offerings like the Science & Water- shed Education Program. 26 public school districts. 609 S. Gold St. (530)842-8400.
Tehama County Dept. of Education; Red Bluff. The department serves the communi- ty by collaborating with educators, schools, parents and community partners to offer many enriching programs for Tehama Coun- ty. 14 public school districts. tehamaschools. org. 1135 Lincoln St. (530)527-5811.
Better Together, formerly California Teachers Summit. Retrospective research with lessons from five years of experiences from the Better Together: California Teachers Initiative to inspire policymakers, professional learning providers and teachers to consider new approaches to professional learning for teachers.
Butte County Environmental Council Eggs in the Classroom; Chico. Environmen- tal education for home school students. By rearing salmon eggs at the Butte Environ- mental Council (BEC) office and participat- ing in coordinated activities, homeschool students experience first-hand the value
of aquatic environments, the importance
of maintaining and preserving California's fisheries and aquatic habitats and how their personal actions affect these valuable re- sources. Children work with BEC’s California Climate Action Corps Fellows on activities to learn about our environment and how
to preserve our local fisheries. Register for FREE to participate. grams. 313 Walnut Street, Suite 140. becin- (530)891-6424.
California Youth Partnership; Redding.
CYP educates, equips and empowers youth and adults to make choices that will lead to
a healthy self, healthy relationships and a healthy future. We engage youth wherever they gather: including schools, group homes, detention centers, youth homeless shelters and colleges. HOPE Fridays, HOPE Workshops and HOPE Rising are free programs available to Shasta County residents. There is help for
anyone wanting to choose a healthier path. 1388 Court St, Suite C. (530)338-3313.
Choose Well Program; Redding. Provides teachers and parents with easily accessible resources to help develop character in their students and helps educators and parents empower students to make better choices to live better lives. thechoosewellprogram. com. (530)535-8120.
Famous Artists Portfolio Program. Serv- ing all counties. Turtle Bay Exploration Park in Redding offers this free art program for teachers, trained parents and community members to present and talk about signif- icant artworks in the classroom. Portfolio prints are organized into nearly 70 age-ap- propriate themes. Suggested follow-up art activities included. famousartists@turtlebay. org. lio-program. (530)242-3148.
Haven Humane Society; Anderson. Volun- teer opportunities for youth and adults and educational summer camp. havenhumane. org. 7449 Eastside Rd. (530)241-1653. Heimlich Heroes. Nationwide. A free virtual educational program to teach young peo- ple how to respond in the event of choking emergencies. Schools and organizations can register online to receive resource materials and information. Designed by teachers, the program provides a platform to incorporate math, language arts and STEM activities. Launchpad4kids, Inc. Online crowdfunding platform to provide children the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities. Works with schools, nonprofits and local agencies that focus on low-income families and foster or at-risk youth ages 3-17. To add your school and nominate a child, email for materials you’ll need to get started. Lending Library. Serving all counties. Turtle Bay Exploration Park in Redding offers class- room kits from various curriculum sources. Registered educators may check out kits with materials for a classroom of up to 32 students to implement lesson plans. These activities are perfect for the classroom, after school programs or camps. Register and learn more at (530)242-3108.
MATHCOUNTS. A national nonprofit orga- nization providing engaging math oppor- tunities and resources to US middle school students. National Math Club, Competition Series and Math Video Challenge build student confidence and improve attitudes about math and problem solving. math-
New Frontier Theatre Company; Mount Shasta. Theatrical Arts in the Schools Initiative brings theater arts into schools or enhances existing school programs. Also offers summer classes. info@new- (530)232-5431. North State Symphony Student Tickets. Chico. A vibrant professional orchestra per- forming in Chico and Redding, as well as Red Bluff, Oroville, and other cities in the North State. We have many youth programs includ- ing annual school field trips to the sympho- ny and scholarship opportunities for high school and college students. We get support
from generous individuals and businesses in our communities, as well as Chico State Uni- versity. Join us for a concert or one of our fun events and celebrate live music in the North State! 400 W. 1st St. (530)898-5917. Pay it Forward Foundation. Established to educate and inspire students to realize they can change the world and to give them opportunities to do so. Students work with teachers at their local schools
to develop Pay It Forward assignments. Supportive educational materials. global-
Reach Higher Shasta. Supports initiatives from the first day a child is born to the first day in their career ensuring every student has every option available to them. Partners with nonprofits, all 24 Shasta County School Districts, Shasta County Office of Education, local colleges and universities and business organizations. Promotes neighborhood Little Libraries, Early Childhood Initiative, Community Literacy Initiative, College & Career Signing Day. Career & Workforce Committee links existing college programs, career technical education and vocational program and on-the-job training and work experi9ence programs to available and soon-to-be- available workforce in Shasta County. 11555 Old Oregon Trail. Call or text (530)364-4961.
The Reading Basket; Redding. New, used and sample curriculum. Special order books. Homeschool support and story-inspired resources. M-F, 1 – 5 pm. thereadingbasket. com. 2876 Park Marina Drive. (530)605-0103. Reading Pals; Chico. Community vol- unteers spend one hour or more a week helping children read at selected elemen- tary schools. Reading Pals is an engaged community program, bridging the gap between public schools and the commu- nity. 1692 Mangrove Ave #358. (530)588-0119.
Rural Schools Collaborative. Strength- ens the bonds between rural schools and communities through place-based en- gagement, philanthropy and developing teacher-leaders. Grants in Place program supports innovative rural teachers and their programs, technical assistance, social networking and the Rural Teacher Corps. info@rural-
Shasta Public Libraries. Library tours available. They have teacher and homes- chool resources on their website. shastali-
Anderson: 3200 W. Center St. (530)365-7685.
Burney: 37116 Main St. (530)335-4317. Redding: 1100 Parkview Ave. (530)245-7250.
Teacher Professional Development Workshops; Redding. Teachers and after- school providers receive training in pro- grams such as Great Explorations in Math & Science (GEMS), Project Wet, Nanoscale Science, Growing Up Wild and other inquiry-based learning curricula at Turtle Bay Exploration Park. Taught by experts. Workshops year-round. fessional-development. (530)243-8850.
   Also see Field Trips on pages 31-36 and Free North State Family Activities pages 67-68.
 40 North State Parent Family Resource Guide Spring/Summer 2025 •

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