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include actively seeking beds for foster youth as a means of prevention, and provid- ing victim services for survivors. Focus areas include awareness, prevention, intervention and restoration. 24 hour hotline (800) 895-8476. Non-emergency line 12-5pm Mon-Thur.
One SAFE Place; Redding. Comprehensive services for victims of domestic, sexual, child and elder abuse. Accessible, coordinat- ed and culturally sensitive services to ensure safety, healing and self-sufficiency. Client services center, 24 hour crisis hotline. osp- 2250 Benton Dr. (530) 244-0117. Youth for Change; Redding. Services for homeless youth ages 14-24. Assistance ranges from help with basic needs (show- er, laundry facilities, a hot meal, clothing, haircut, etc.) to intensive case management & counseling, education, employment &
life skills support. 2400 Washington St., Ste. 102. (530) 877-1965. Youth Options Shasta; Redding. Services to help prevent youth violence and promote a safe and healthy community. Programs in- clude Youth/Peer Court, Shasta Youth Lead- ership Camp, mentoring, smoking cessation and Triple P (Positive Parenting Program). 1700 Pine St., Ste. 250. (530) 244-7194.
Siskiyou County Child & Elder Abuse Hotline; (530) 842-7009. During regular business hours, 9am-5pm. (530) 841-4200.
Empower Tehama; Red Bluff. Comprehen- sive range of services for victims/survivors of domestic violence/sexual assault & their children. Services include counseling and legal assistance, survivor education, support group and emergency shelter. Walk-in crisis services Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm. empowerte- Business Center, 1805 Walnut
St. 24-hour hotline (530) 528-0226 & (800) 324-6473.
Tehama County Child Abuse Hotline; 8am to 5pm. (800) 323-7711 or (530) 527-1911.
American Red Cross; Valuable fire safety
& prevention information and tips to help families prepare for, respond to and recover from a home fire. Includes a worksheet
to create a personalized fire escape plan. emergencies/types-of-emergencies/fire. html.
Butte County Fire Safe Council; Paradise. Free fire-safe home evaluations, an educa- tional outreach program for 6th graders, a chipper program, PDFs of area evacuation plans, an online library of resources, print- ables, information and more. buttefiresafe. net. 5619 Black Olive Drive. (530) 877-0984. Fire Prevention & Safety Checklist; Printable “Ready for Wildfire” list from the American Red Cross has simple steps to in- crease the chances of your home surviving a wildfire.
Shasta County Fire Safe Council; Fire safety tips on fuel reduction, erosion control and regional information. westernshastarcd. org. (530) 365- 7332.
Tehama County Fire Safe Council; Resource Conservation District of Tehama County offers roadside fuel breaks & de- fensible space work around homes for the elderly, disabled & economically disadvan- taged people. (530) 727-1280.
Breast Cancer Prevention Partners (For- merly Breast Cancer Fund); Identifies & advocates for elimination of environmental and other preventable causes of the disease.
Campaign for Safe Cosmetics; A coalition of more than 100 nonprofit organizations working to protect the health of consumers and workers by eliminating dangerous and toxic chemicals from cosmetics and person- al care products.
Child Safety; Information about baby proofing your home, food safety basics,
toy safety, car and street safety, being safe during sports and recreation, proper use
of bikes, skateboards and scooters, being safe around the water and knowing about firearms hazards. ucts/child-safety/.
Consumer Affairs; News about toxic toys and infant/child furniture, along with recall information. Look for the Toys & Children’s Products page. Consumer Safety; Safety guides for infants, families & all ages. Information and news about recalls, drugs, medical devices, food and consumer products. consumersafety. org. (866) 661-9208.
Environmental Working Group (EWG); EWG is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organiza- tion dedicated to protecting public health
& the environment. Contains guides to cosmetics and sunscreen safety ratings, food safety and much more. &
Think Dirty Shop Clean; Think Dirty® app has information about ingredients in beau- ty, personal care and household products.
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commis- sion; Comprehensive product safety & recall information. Report an unsafe product. Includes sections dedicated to toys and children’s products.
Valley Oak Children’s Services; Chico. Swim vests available seasonally in children’s sizes. 3120 Cohasset Rd. Suite 6. (530) 895-3572.
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Nina Natina’s Swim Foundations NBuilds Swimmers for Life
ina Natina is busy gearing up to kick off the 2022 season of swim classes and workshops at Swim Foundations. This program provides swim lessons and train- ing resources for swim instructors to teach the Natina Swim Teaching Progres-
sion method. Nina’s mother, Phoebe Natina, has been teaching kids to swim for more than 45 years and developed this method to teach young kids to be confident, comfortable, and independent in the water.
Swim Foundations teaches instructors how to build trust and keep their swim stu- dents disciplined so they can grasp essential skills needed for water safety and learning to swim. According to Nina, the swim instructors have “high expectations of them be- cause we know what they can do.”The result, according to Nina, is confidence.
Learning about breath and the vertical float
One of the primary focuses of Swim Foundations lessons is breathing. “The breath is a core piece of our teaching philosophy,” Nina says, and explains that proper breathing technique can be learned outside the water. Breathing is one aspect of swimming that can be learned outside of the water.
Nina has taught “dry” swimming lessons and breathing techniques using a carpet in a classroom. This is a huge hit with the kids, she says: “The classroom just transformed. They were so excited. They loved it. And the kids that are typically really quiet all of a sudden came alive.”
The Vertical Float, which teaches students to conserve energy and stay above the water by utilizing the breath and little movement, is the foundation of the Natina Swim Teaching Progression. It teaches pupils to take a breath on their own, acquire a feel for the water, and be at ease while submerged.
Undoing some habits sets kids up for success
“Everything we do has a purpose,” Nina says. “Even hand placement when they’re first learning to swim, how they get a breath, all of those things are developing a future swimmer.” To set the kids up for success, instructors may have to work with their students to undo habits such as relying on swimming aids like inflatable floaties.
These can be dangerous because they give a false sense of security in the water. And, although many swimming programs focus on keeping the head out of the water, “We want heads in the water,”Nina says.“We are all about submersion and enjoying the feel of water and understanding how it moves you.”
Building more resources for swimming instructors and students
Nina has plans to enlarge Swim Foundations into a resource center providing online and interactive training resources to professional swim instructors, swim schools, and other learn-to-swim programs in the US.
She is also building resources for her customers, such as a video to help parents and caregivers to prepare their children for swimming lessons. As a fun and interactive way to start the conversation around swimming and water safety, Nina has created Every- body Learns to Swim: A Coloring and Activity Book for Little Learners to partner with nonprofits or other organizations.
Swim Foundations offers home pool lessons and swimming classes at Riverview Golf and Country club in Redding and will also be offering lessons in Lake California this year. Classes and workshops typically start in June and run through mid-August. Nina’s sister, Margaret, has a background in behavioral intervention and also teaches classes specifi- cally for children with an autism spectrum disorder or sensory processing disorder.
For more information on Swim Foundations or to register for swim classes: swim- There will also be a “dry swim” lesson at Rare Air in Redding during this year’s Week of the Young Child, April 2-9.
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Read ShutterstTorckaining the Next Wave of Swim Instructors
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Training | Partnerships | Swim Lessons
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With support from North State Parent magazine. Find us online for lots of parenting information and a digital magazine at
Written by Nina Natina Illustrated by Johanna Daly
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