Page 53 - North State Parent March 2022
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Parental divorce or separation can be the most heartbreaking and difficult time a family may face. The conflict family separation may bring often takes a toll on children’s behavior, education, development, sense-of-self and even their mental health.
The good news is that there is help, with Kids’Turn programs designed specifically to help children through the divorce or separation. Kids’ Turn exists to relieve the distress that dividing homes can bring and has been helping families in the North State for more than 25 years.
Free workshops help parents & children at the same time
Our free workshops focus on family communication and strengthening parent-child bonds so children can maintain healthy relationships with both parents throughout the family change.
Children learn it is not their fault
Parents come to understand what children need in order to adjust and live contentedly between two homes.
Kids Turn Family Workshops
Workshops are provided in Shasta County, California, by Northern California Center for Family Awareness.
Grant funding provided by: ACEs Resilience & Hope Fund of Shasta County
Dedicated to helping children through family separations
To learn more visit or call 530-244-5749
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