Page 105 - North State Parent March 2022
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      CARET-SQUARE-RIGHT GeneralResources
CARET-SQUARE-RIGHT DiverseAbilitySwimLessons
CARET-SQUARE-RIGHT EquineAssistedLearning& Psychotherapy
ADHDchildhood. Tools & tips for caregivers & teachers of kids with ADHD. Includes edu- cational videos, support options, educational tools. A sister website includes info for adults with ADHD including diagnostic resources and encouraging stories from adults living with ADHD.
Autism LifeSpan; Chico. Serving 9 Northern California counties. Supports individuals with developmental disabilities & their families. The resource office includes a lending
library with more than 500 books, videos, DVDs & curriculum materials spanning the autism spectrum. Provides families, indi- viduals, educators, and other professionals with information and resources. Also offers trainings and monthly parent support group. 2418 Cohasset Rd., Ste. 150. (530) 897-0900.
Autism Speaks. An organization that helps families recognize early signs of autism and seek early intervention to improve learning, communication and social skills. autism- (888) 288-4762.
Autism Support Network. A free online community that connects thousands of families to support each other. Strategies & guides for managing autism. Provides
a search feature to find support near you. Search “Autism Support Network” on Face- book.
Braille & Talking Book Library; serving Northern California. A free service that loans braille & audiobooks & playback equip- ment by mail to eligible Northern California residents who are unable to read standard print materials due to blindness, low vision or physical disabilities. btbl@
California Children’s Services. A state program for children with certain diseases or health problems. Through this program, children up to age 21 can get the health care and services they need.
Butte. (530) 552-3891.
Shasta. For Partnership Health Members with CCS, call (800) 863-4155. Non- Part- nership clients with last names starting with A-G and T-Z call (530) 229-8436. Last names starting with H- S call (530) 229- 8107.
Siskiyou. (530) 841-2134.
Tehama. (800) 655-6854 or (530) 527-6824.
California State Department of Rehabili- tation. Serving all upper CA counties. Helps individuals with physical, mental, emotional or learning disabilities go to work for the first time or return to work. Job training & placement, adaptive technology, vocational counseling, help with transportation & more. By application.
Butte Co; Chico. 1370 E. Lassen Ave. Suite 110. (530) 895-5507.
Shasta Co; Redding. 1900 Churn Creek Rd., Ste. 100. (530) 224-4708.
Siskiyou Co; Yreka. 500 N. Main St. (530) 842-1662.
Tehama Co; Red Bluff. 705 Pine St. (530) 529-4270. Intake interviews are being held by phone during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Center for Parent Information & Resourc- es; Sacramento. A network for parents of children with disabilities. The Parent Center for Butte, Glenn, Tehama, Shasta & Siskiyou counties is Warmline Family Resource Center. & 2424 Castro Way. (916) 455-9500 or (844) 455-9517.
Cerebral Palsy Guidance; Answers, support and assistance for parents of children with cerebral palsy. Information and resources for everything from financial assistance to medical equipment. Medical information
on the site has been medically reviewed by board certified physicians. cerebralpalsyguid-
Disability Action Center of Northern Cali- fornia; Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Shasta, Siskiyou & Tehama Counties. Serving the needs of people with disabilities since 1980. Advocacy, peer advising, informa- tion & referrals, housing strategies, assistive technology, durable medical equipment re- use program, volunteer opportunities, vision resources & traumatic brain injuries program. Offers voice options & senior communica- tions program (social media), for all ages, families & individuals.
Chico. 1161 East Ave. (530) 893-8527.
Redding. 2453 Athens Ave. (530) 242-8550. Disability Rights of CA; Education and com- munity outreach, self advocacy help, legal advice or representation. disabilityrightsca. org.
Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network;
DSDN supports parents who have recently received a diagnosis for their child or unborn baby and connects them to other families. Resources, education, and support for parents and caregivers of a loved one with Down syndrome. (612) 460-0765. dsdiagno-
Down Syndrome Information Alliance (DSIA); Serving Sacramento, Yolo, Placer,
El Dorado, Nevada, Yuba, Shasta, Solano
and Sutter counties. Support, referrals and resources to empower individuals with Down syndrome, their families, and the community. (916) 658-1686.
Far Northern Regional Center. In upper CA counties, serving individuals with develop- mental disabilities & their families. Services and support to allow a person with develop- mental disabilities to live a meaningful and productive life. Referrals to services & sup- port for infants to adults.
Chico. 1377 East Lassen Ave. (530) 895- 8633.
Redding. 1900 Churn Creek Rd., Ste. 319. (530) 222-4791.
Mt. Shasta. 421 Chestnut St. (530) 222- 4791.
Lake Almanor. 401 Peninsula Dr., Ste. 2. (530) 257-5516.
All mail must be directed to P.O. Box 492418, Redding, CA 96049.
Head Start/Early Head Start. Support for children ages 5 & under with special needs & their parents. To find a program in your area, use the Head Start Locator online or call a local office in your county. eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs. gov. (866) 763-6481.
Homeschool Association of California (HSC) Special Needs Homeschooling Infor- mation. Volunteer contact person for general information about homeschooling kids with special needs. (888) 472-4440. In-Home Support Services. California will pay parents of minor children as providers. To qualify, a child must have an undeniable level of need & documentation from a physician
or regional center. In a 2-parent household,
1 parent must be working or enrolled full time in an educational program for the other parent to be paid as a provider. The provider parent must prove inability to maintain em- ployment due to the needs of the child. cdss. Medi-Cal & Medi-Cal Waivers. Medi-Cal, Cal- ifornia’s Medicaid program, offers waivers to specific groups of individuals based on spe- cific geographic areas of the state & provides medical coverage to individuals who may not otherwise be eligible under Medicaid rules. search “Medi-Cal Waivers“ on National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI); NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
(703) 524-7600. Local chapters: Butte (530) 894-8551, Shasta: (530) 691-4450.
National Association for Down Syn- drome (NADS). The oldest Down syndrome advocacy organization in the country. Helps people with Down syndrome reach their full potential. Offers prenatal information for par- ents expecting a child with Down syndrome.
National Organization for Rare Disorders
(NORD); A database and resource center for people who are living with, or have loved ones with a rare disease. (800) 999-6673.
Northern California Center on Deafness. North Highland. Serves clients in Shasta, Butte, Siskiyoum Glenn and Tehama counties by providing communication services; counseling; advocacy, services; independent living skills instruction; job development
and placement; information and referral; and community education (916) 349-7500.
Parent Infant Programs; Redding. Serving most upper CA counties. In-home program for children ages 0-5 with developmental needs. Curriculum focuses on maximizing the development of the individual child, strengthening the parent-child relationship & helping parents develop strong advocacy skills.
Redding. 2628 Victor Ave., Ste. B. (530) 247-1375.
Chico. 2550 Floral Ave. (530) 343-8106.
Rowell Family Empowerment of Northern CA; Siskiyou, Trinity, Shasta, Tehama, Butte & Glenn County. Parent-founded, parent-op- erated, nonprofit organization that offers free services to families of children ages 3-22 with special needs. Programs and trainings are supported through grants, contracts, donations & fundraising activities. empow- (530) 226-5129.
SLATE. The hallmark of SLATE (Successful Living with Autism through Training & Education) is Get SET (Social Emotional Training). SLATE’s summer program pro- vides an environment for children & young adults to learn & grow side by side with typical children. slate. (530) 226-5129.
Serving the vulnerable & underserved populations such
as special needs, foster/adopted, at-risk youth & more.
(209) 256-9640 •
    Learning happens every day for your child
Help your child’s
development by...
• Including your child in everyday activities
• Letting your child make choices throughout the day
• Talking to your child about the things they are doing
• Talking to your child about the things they have done
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