North State Parent magazine




Helping Kids Cope When an Ailing Grandparent Moves In 

A growing number of families with young children are caring for an aging relative. Whether it’s temporary care following surgery, or longer-term care due to a debilitating condition, more and more […]


A to Zen for Teens: 26 Ways to Help Your Teen Find More Peace

Does your teen seem frazzled and stressed? Teens face stress from many directions, and so do their parents. We can all benefit from more calm; however, teens may not be […]

Special Fun for Babies and Toddlers Circle Time at Apple Blossom Baby

When Darci and James Crossin first sat down to map out a plan for their maternity and baby goods store, Chico’s Apple Blossom Baby, circle times were part of that original […]

For Children with Autism, Being Social Begins with Thinking Social

We can be blunt with each other here. Kids with autism or Asperger’s frequently stand out as social oddballs. The heartbreak it causes, to the child and to the parent, […]

Learning Beyond The Books: 5 Skills Smart Kids Need

Raising smart kids isn’t about “teaching to the test,” it’s about building brainpower. Kids who can seek information, connect ideas, and apply what they’ve learned aren’t just book-smart, they are […]


Voyage From Ethiopia: A Dad’s Perspective on International Adoption

International adoption is a frustrating, difficult and expensive process, and yet I’m here to recommend it. And for two very good reasons. My daughters. While international adoption made my family […]


Taming Butterflies – Proactive Steps Now Will Help Kids Calm Public Speaking Jitters Later

“Speak up! I can’t hear you!” repeatedly boomed my seventh-grade life science teacher from the back of the room. The words I’d practiced at home clung to the back of […]


New-Puppy Success – Suggestions for Navigating the First Days

Nothing makes a house feel like a home and bonds a family together better than a scampering young bundle of fur, grrrs and face-licks. But let’s keep things real, folks. […]

Doesn’t Bug Me

I remember the afternoon when one of our girls, a toddler at the time, brought me a treasure from our yard clutched in her chubby hand. Holding her fist up to […]


Keeping Your Child’s Love For Writing (Not Texting!) Alive

Glanced at your child’s text messages lately? No? How about her e-mails or online chats? If you take a peek, you’ll find plenty of sentence fragments, emoticons and shortcuts like […]

Help! My Child Isn’t Learning

Sometimes children are born with challenges indicating they will require interventions to reach their potential. Others meet expected developmental milestones as babies, but begin showing behaviors during their toddler and […]


What to Do When Your Child Cheats

Think back to third grade. It’s spelling-test day, and the word is “money.” Would that be “m-o-n-i-e”? Maybe, if you just peeked a bit over your friend’s shoulder and took […]
