North State Parent magazine



The Power of Showing Up

From One Dad to Another: The Power of Showing Up

A few weeks after my son was born in December 2021, I sat in the darkness, gently rocking him to sleep. His tiny fingers wrapped around mine and I felt the […]


​​Helping Children Become Media Literate

What does constant exposure to media mean for today’s youth who must navigate the barrage of media in almost every aspect of their lives? What are the implications for parents, […]


Teen Friends and Friendships: How to Be Your Kid’s Safety Net

My daughter’s middle school years were full of friendship drama and it seemed like her friend groups changed every week. When it was time for high school, I worried she’d […]


When Gratitude Feels Hard – A Letter to the Parent Who Is Struggling

Friend, Recently, I stood on the front steps wishing I didn’t have to ring the doorbell. Standing here was enough to make me feel small, less than, not good enough. […]


Helping Children Understand Adoption: An Age-by-Age Guide

“Secrets are detrimental,” says Sheri Wiggins, program director of Shasta College Foster & Kinship Care Education Program. “In our society we don’t talk about things that are shameful, We don’t […]


Dear Parents: An Honest Letter from the Teacher

Dear Parents, These words don’t come easily. I find myself in a position where I am left with no other choice, but to bear my heart on my sleeve and […]


10 Ways to Help Your children When the World Seems Scary

It was a normal evening, full of dinner-making, homework and activity. My youngest sat at the table doing a math work sheet, my oldest was practicing her flute and my […]


The Life-Changing Magic of Purging Toys

Until recently, I was convinced my life would be better if only we had more space. Until we got a bigger house or remodeled, I thought a special organizing system […]


The Kind of Mother I Am

Inevitably my 18-month-old daughter will fall at the park. I will not try to catch her. On a typical day, my daughter will ingratiate herself with the kids whose mothers […]


Babies: Stimulation vs Downtime

Creating Balance for Babies   Babies bring joy to most families. Regardless of whether a new baby is the first-born or the third or fourth, looking at newborns and infants […]

Anger Management for Parents - Kids in car having a temper tantrum

Anger Management for Parents – Hacks

Between screaming toddlers, squabbling siblings and saucy teens, keeping your cool can be tricky unless you have a few anger management parenting hacks up your sleeve. Anger Management for Parents […]


Pet Safety: Hugs Are For Humans!

Saving the hugs for humans can prevent an unsolicited bite, or scratch, or worse. We’ve seen them posted online or traded between phones: the adorable home video clips capturing kid-and-pet […]