World Breastfeeding Week 2018
The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action celebrates breastfeeding during the first week of August. “In a world filled with inequality, crises, and poverty, breastfeeding is the foundation of lifelong good health for babies and mothers” is the basis of this year’s slogan.
California boasts a high percentage of new mothers who breastfeed in the first weeks and months after their child’s birth. Although natural, breastfeeding doesn’t always come naturally, and education and support have been shown to positively impact a woman’s nursing decisions and goals.
Community Resources
WIC, the North State Breastfeeding Coalition, the Redding Midwifery and Doula Collective, Northern Valley Indian Clinic, area hospitals, and La Leche League all work to educate families and to offer support to nursing mothers. Stacy Piper, Certified Lactation Educator Counselor at Butte County WIC, says, “Collaborating and networking with community partners like hospitals, health care providers, patient advocates, public health programs, and community coalitions and organizations to improve public health and continuity of care are a priority for me.”
WIC attests that “breastfeeding is a priority in the WIC program” and County WIC staff are passionate about the importance of women breastfeeding. Local offices provide lactation counseling services and education through the work of their International Board-Certified Lactation Consultants and Certified Lactation Educators. “I find so many WIC moms to be hardworking and totally dedicated to their children. It is so rewarding to be able to help these mothers overcome difficulties and succeed in their breastfeeding relationship!” says Butte County WIC IBCLC, Maureen Hopson.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends all babies be breastfed for their entire first year. Learning about the benefits of mother’s milk for infant good health and well-being can help expectant mothers feel confident about nursing. Maureen reassures that “A new mother can walk in or call WIC at any time we are open and get answers to most of her questions. Participants that would prefer to discuss breastfeeding in a group setting can join one of our breastfeeding support groups, held every week.”
WIC helps women and their families make informed choices and decisions about caring for their infants. “I am proud to be a dedicated ambassador for WIC services, breastfeeding education, and valuable resources and referrals,” says Stacy.
Local WIC offices are celebrating World Breastfeeding Week with a variety of local-to-you events:
World Breastfeeding Day in Redding
Shasta County WIC, in conjunction with The Shasta County Breastfeeding Coalition, is hosting a breastfeeding education day on Wednesday, August 8 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Redding Memorial Veterans Hall, 1605 Yuba Street, Redding. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, and families are welcome to attend. A Mother-Baby Friendly Workplace award will be presented to a local employer at noon.
World Breastfeeding Day in Chico
Butte County WIC will be celebrating World Breastfeeding Week throughout August with in-house workshops, with a focus on mothers who are returning to work and want to continue breastfeeding. These events will kick off with a market parade on Saturday, August 4 at 10:00 a.m. at the Chico Farmers Market, downtown Chico. The WIC booth will be open there from 7:30 am to 1:00 pm with fun activities for all. Families are encouraged to join in and gather information about breastfeeding and nutrition.
World Breastfeeding Day in Orland
Glenn County WIC is hosting a Resource Fair in Orland on Thursday, August 2 from 10:00 a.m. to noon at the Success Square Conference Center located at 131 E. Walker Street. Raffles and free goodies are part of the event, in addition to a breast pump information demonstration.
World Breastfeeding Day in Red Bluff
Tehama County WIC is a strong advocate for the naturalness of mothers’ nursing their infants and to celebrate mother’s milk they will be hosting their fifth annual Breastfeeding Walk on Wednesday, August 1, at the Farmers Market on Washington Street. The walk begins at 5:30 p.m. Staff will be providing free breastfeeding information and education at their booth.
Posted in: Birth and Toddlers, Health & Nutrition
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