North State Parent magazine


Women’s Business Center Helps North State Businesses Find & Navigate Disaster Recovery Resources

Between fires, droughts and a global pandemic, Northern California communities have been through many years of disasters and disaster recovery. At this point in time, there is not a person or business that hasn’t been disaster impacted.

While our government has been responsive to many of these events, it can be a struggle to find the right disaster recovery resources and understand how to take advantage of them. In the aftermath of a crisis it’s often difficult to find the time and emotional strength to evaluate details, make sure we’re getting the full support available, and keep track of all the details and rules id different programs.

That’s where the Women’s Center at Jedi, working with Small Business Association resource partners in the community, can be invaluable. We believe that it’s our obligation to be the experts on these programs, helping people access every available resource — and we’ve gotten pretty good at it over the last four years.

From navigating Economic Injury Disaster Loans for fire-impacted areas to Paycheck Protection Programs, California Relief Grants and Employee Retention Tax Credits, we’ve helped clients through every step of the process. For example, applications for the 2021 California Relief Grants opened on December 30, 2020; and we made sure our office stayed open over the holidays to help business owners complete their applications.

We know that providing this one-on-one support to navigate the options and processes is the key to a successful transition from disaster to disaster recovery. When large government agencies roll out amazing resources, we are on the ground in communities, becoming the trusted advisors to help individuals and businesses navigate that road to recovery and build the strong economic foundation for the future.
It’s an honor to serve our communities, to listen to their stories and then to walk alongside them on every step in the journey. It’s a mission we’re committed to continue.


• To sign up for services from the Women’s Business Center go to
• To stay up to date on all resources during and after a natural disaster, go to the United Way program,
• Small Business Disaster Recovery programs: Ó

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Trisha Funk is a North State native and mom of four. When she’s not busy following one of them to one sporting event or another she loves everything nature that the North State provides. She’s also the Director of the Women’s Business Center at JEDI and the Executive Director of Pennies On Purpose where she’s passionate about ensuring equitable access to resources and skills to build wealth, financially secure families and strong communities.

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