North State Parent magazine



Setting Ourselves Up For A Successful School Year

This school year, teachers advise parents to be positive, be flexible, and be patient.

I’d love to pass along some advice, from a teacher’s perspective, so we can all set ourselves up for a successful school year. It might be online, it might be in a traditional setting, or it might be somewhere in between.

Be positive in front of your child

Whatever plan your child’s school puts in place, be positive about it in front of your child. Children are always observing and looking to you while they form opinions and thoughts. Your child will be much more excited about school and willing to learn if they know you are equally enthusiastic about it.

Teaching fractions to a third-grader is one of my least favorite tasks. However, when I approach it in a way that has students thinking it is the most exciting thing they will learn all year, it makes it much more enjoyable for both of us. And, it follows that children will be excited and eager to go back to school when they know their parents are completely on board and delighted as well.

Help your child start a routine

Helping your child start and get comfortable with a school-like routine makes the transition smoother for everyone. Get your child excited about wearing a face mask and practice keeping it on for an extended period if their age and health permits. Teach them the importance of not touching their face or mask along with proper handwashing techniques for when hybrid or traditional learning schedules are adopted again.

Set up a place at home where their schoolwork can be completed daily and include all the supplies they may need while learning remotely, including paper, pencils, whiteboards, markers, chargers, and passwords. Make sure everything is easy to access, so there are fewer disruptions for you and their learning.

If you don’t already, try to reserve a protected amount of time during the day for family reading time. You could even read a book together! The number one factor of student success is a strong literacy foundation.

Have patience and be flexible

Your child’s teacher may change things up from time to time in these uncharted territories. Sometimes it may be a hit, and other times it may be a big ol’ flop. Have patience, be flexible, and be gracious. Most importantly, always try to stay positive in front of your child. If you are visibly frustrated, your child will be, too. Your child feeds off your energy.

If you need to reach out to the teacher, remember they are doing their best and using their best professional judgment with the academic decisions they make this year. Teachers are learning new programs, technologies, and strategies at a rapid rate. Protocols and mandates for teachers and schools can change overnight, as we have learned throughout this pandemic.

Teachers love it when parents are invested in their child’s schooling. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher if there are personal struggles at home. Your child’s teacher may be able to take that into account in their future lessons. They might even be able to offer you some solutions to try at home. Flexibility is key as we embark on this school year.

Prepare for bumps in the road

Prepare for a few bumps in the road as we all navigate the distance learning, hybrid learning, or our new traditional learning. There will be challenging days and frustrating days, and days where you and your child might have to take more than an ice cream break to relieve the stress.

Communication with your child’s teacher is vital. Struggles are going to happen. Teachers are very understanding and are there to help. Particularly with any technology struggles, contact your child’s teacher as soon as possible — it’s best to catch and correct the issue early on.

Be the teacher’s eyes and ears

You are the teacher’s eyes and ears while your child learns from home. Simply asking if your child has done her work might not be enough guidance. Sit down with your child daily and find out what he is studying.

Children always will follow your lead. If you are consistent with checking their work, they will see that you value their schooling and will tend to be consistent with their work completion.

Enjoy the Extra Time Together

If your child’s school is digital or hybrid in the fall, enjoy the extra time together. There is so much that is out of our control, as both teachers and parents, but we can control the memories that we make with our families. Spend the time to do the enrichment activities your child’s teacher may send, look up a fun science experiment to do at home, or help research the animal your child is fascinated by from your last trip to the zoo. Learning can happen outside the traditional classroom setting.

Be gracious with your child’s teacher

Remember that teachers and school leaders are living through this pandemic as well. We all want what is best for your child. We strive to make the best learning environment every day for our students.

Be gracious with your child’s teacher as we go back to school this fall. We’re on the same team, and we are all in this together. We are adapting and learning daily. And, at the end of the day, we want your child to be safe,  to feel loved, and to be their best self and have a successful school year.

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Mandi Metzger and her family enjoy sharing their “Sweetest Lemonade” perspective with others through real food recipes. When Mandi isn’t writing a new recipe, she can be found riding bikes or hiking with her three kids, ages 9, 5 and 2. Find more recipes at

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