North State Parent magazine


The Magic Of Singing: 70 Reasons To Encourage Your Kids To Raise Their Voices

It happened a couple of years ago. My ten-year-old daughter was moping around the house, grousing about some aspect of our lives that was not as ideal as she perceived her friends’ lives.

And that’s when the light bulb went off.

“Hey, why don’t you go upstairs and practice your choir songs,” I said in as non-punitive a tone as I could muster. Truth was, I was tired of the grousing. Comparing her life to her friends’ lives was becoming a bad habit. But my daughter had been singing in her elementary school choir once a week before school for a couple years, and she had recently been chosen to attend the state choir event.

The director sent the kids home with a CD of music to each listen to and practice on their own. I decided to jump on this opportunity to give my non-instrument playing daughter a bit of regular “singing practice” time.

My suggestion caught my daughter off guard. She paused, perhaps about to argue, but then thought about it, shrugged and said, “Okay.”

As she retreated up the stairs, I called after her cheerily, “Give it at least 20 minutes of practice, okay?” I had the feeling I was onto something.

Moments later, the sound of her voice came wafting down the stairs. The kid who had been moping about was now totally immersed in her music study.

Thirty minutes later, she skipped down the stairs, humming and cheerful. “What’s for dinner?” she said. “Can I make it?” I’d hit the mood-improvement jackpot for my child.

Since then, “singing practice” has become something of an institution in our home. No matter how many times I suggest, “Time for singing practice?” to my daughter, she never argues, she’s always willing to give it a go. And every time she does it, her mood is lifted and her attitude gets an adjustment without any fussing or futzing from me.

I’m not sure whether singing practice can work the same magic for every child, but now that you know how powerful the practice might be, doesn’t it seem silly not to try it with your own song-loving kids?

Singing is healthy physically, psychologically, and socially whether your child’s singing is pitch-perfect or not. Once you consider the many benefits singing can have on any member of your family, you may even decide to set aside your own daily singing time, and start to look for ways to get your whole family singing together and with others.

If you are not convinced, you will be, once you check out this list of 70 good reasons to sing more regularly:

  1. To lift spirits and lighten moods
  2. To learn to express a range of feelings
  3. To recognize song patterns, rhythms, and rhymes
  4. To find comfort or solace
  5. To pass the time
  6. To calm anxious nerves
  7. To avoid boredom
  8. To recover from disappointment
  9. To make any experience more fun
  10. To release frustration
  11. To focus the mind
  12. To relax the body
  13. To develop a stronger musical ear
  14. To improve body rhythm
  15. To become a better listener
  16. To work on skills of imitation
  17. To develop memorization skills
  18. To learn how to concentrate over time
  19. To inspire the imagination
  20. To understand storytelling better
  21. To increase self-confidence
  22. To experience a sense of doing something constructive
  23. To learn new words
  24. To expose yourself to many song styles
  25. To improve math aptitude
  26. To carry on family, religious, or state traditions
  27. To make a contribution
  28. To learn about history
  29. To stimulate brain development
  30. To discover personal tastes
  31. To become a better communicator
  32. To exercise the lips, tongue, mouth, and face
  33. To improve articulation
  34. To cause endorphins to flow
  35. To help the brain learn to multitask
  36. To speak with more eloquence
  37. To learn about contrast and opposites
  38. To share something special with others
  39. To make music for free or inexpensively
  40. To aid healing
  41. To create a positive relationship with the self
  42. To feel more grounded and present
  43. To explore personal vocal range
  44. To find a more natural speaking voice
  45. To develop a sense of musical artistry
  46. To release oxytocin, a natural stress reliever, in the brain
  47. To sleep better at night
  48. To strengthen your heart
  49. To improve your posture
  50. To feel safe and secure
  51. To exercise the lungs, abdomen and rib muscles
  52. To boost your immune system
  53. To open up your sinuses and respiratory tubes
  54. To develop a healthier breathing pattern
  55. To experience joy
  56. To feel individual power
  57. To get involved in the arts
  58. To have the experience of reaching goals
  59. To alleviate some symptoms of depression
  60. To encourage creativity through song invention or adaptation
  61. To appreciate all forms of music better
  62. To make the most of your vocal potential
  63. To notice nuance and subtlety in vocal performances
  64. To improve the quality of your signing voice
  65. To participate in something positive
  66. To better appreciate a variety of human experiences
  67. To develop a sense of command over your voice and body
  68. To develop leadership skills in a community
  69. To make your life rich with song
  70. To remember you are an instrument

Author Christina Katz believes in the power of the arts to improve and enrich the lives of children and families, and appreciates the moments she’s witnessed transformative results first-hand.

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