North State Parent magazine


Famous Artists Program at Turtle Bay Exploration Park

Photo by Mike BurkeThe Famous Artists Program (formerly the Art Docent Program) is designed to serve as a supplement to a kindergarten through eighth grade art program. It complies with the California and National Visual Arts Standards and is used by well over a 100 schools in and outside of California. Its focus is to open a door into the wonderful world created by great artists.

In this program, parents, teachers, or other volunteers are trained to take art into the classroom. Portfolios are provided by Turtle Bay Exploration Park in Redding. Each portfolio contains between four and six works of art by famous artists. In addition each portfolio has a grade-appropriate lesson, which introduces the art and the artists. It also includes a follow-up hands-on art activity, which applies the principles of art. The discussion is easy to understand and aimed at helping children to perceive, understand, and enjoy a variety of works of art.

Each portfolio is theme related; for example: color, portraits and sea. Upper grade portfolios are divided into periods of art, such as Impressionism and Renaissance. There are also nine All Grade Level portfolios, including cave art, Faith Ringgold, sculpture, Ansel Adams and Mexican muralists.

The follow-up art activity enables the student to respond creatively to a specific motivation with his or her own thoughts, feelings and perceptions, using the concepts introduced during the discussion about the art reproductions. Skill development is sequentially stressed as the children progress through the lessons using specific art media (tempera paint, water colors, oil pastels, felt pens, cut paper, tissue paper, etc.) at each grade level. The school supplies materials.

Portfolios must be reserved in advance, and are picked up any time during the Museum open hours, and then must be returned by its due date, generally one week later. The office is located in the Turtle Bay Museum’s upstairs office area.

Parents, teachers or other volunteers are invited to attend a training session on September 21 from 3 to 5 p.m. Attendees will see an example of a classroom lesson and get acquainted with the reservation and check out procedures.

For more information, contact:

Bonnie Hill, Penny Harris, & Sue Tescher

Famous Artists Portfolio Program
(530) 242-3148
Office Hours:  Wednesdays only, 9am to 1 pm

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