We are happy to announce that Emily Kingsbury is the winner of a $400 gift certificate from The Music Connection for her winning essay on “How Practice Makes Perfect.” Congratulations Emily!
Emily Kingsbury is an eighth grade student at Redding School of the Arts. She has been playing classical violin for nine years. “I feel very fortunate to be able to study under Antonio Marin at Harris Studios,” she says. Emily also enjoys playing drums and guitar, and is a member of the Shasta Youth Symphony, the Redding School of the Arts orchestra, and the youth worship team at Little Country Church.
2016 Music Contest Theme: “How Does Practice Make Perfect?”
Winning music essay by Emily Kingsbury:
Perfect practice makes perfect sense. Only the very disciplined and the very focused who practice with intent can really be successful. To be a great musician, not only must you have passion for the instrument you play, but discipline to perfect the technique. A technician with passion makes a great musician. It’s one thing to play the notes, but a different thing to play the music.
Santa Claus is awesome. On Christmas morning, I woke up, ran down the stairs, and grabbed the present that Santa had brought me. I tore through the wrapping paper, desperate to see what was inside. It was a toy violin. That screechy toy violin sparked the flame which began my journey into the world of music.
Music is everywhere you go. The clinking rings of the chimes and the song melodies of the birds. The wind’s sweet song and the boom of the thunder. Without music our world would be nothing. People have been able to control the music and the sounds to make beautiful instruments: violins, flutes and so many more. Music is a huge part of my life. I enjoy playing musical instruments and learning something new every day.
Even though you might not enjoy practicing right now, think of how what you do will affect you in five minutes, five days, five weeks and five years. In five years you’ll be glad you practiced. Mozart would not have become a famous composer without passion and practice. Bach wouldn’t have written the Brandenburg Concertos without passion and practice. Practice is essential to all things in life, and with passion, is a key to success.
To congratulate Emily and runner-up essay winner Izabella Fredericks, age 14, from Biggs, Oaksong Society is providing Emily and Izabella with tickets to an upcoming Oaksong Society concert of their choice.
North State Parent and The Music Connection thank all 2016 Music Contest entrants for your heart-felt, thorough and well-written essays. You are all winners!
Posted in: Art & Music, Community
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