North State Parent magazine


Be the Change: David Donica: Taking a Stand


David Donica of Mt. Shasta loves working with people and being of service. He shares this passion by offering his technological expertise to assist non profit organizations to achieve their mission. “David combines the necessities of creating an efficient organization with the glue that holds its warmth and mission,” says Keith Samse, formerly with Dovetail Learning in Sebastopol, where David serves as business systems manager.

David believes strongly in volunteerism. Currently he donates time to Make a Stand, a movement started in 2013 by 9-year-old Vivienne Harr. She committed to selling lemonade in her lemonade stand each day for one year and donating the money to organizations that work to end child slavery. “Make a Stand is a social impact brand that supports the founder’s vision of a world where 18 million enslaved children today are free and safe,” reports Eric Harr, Vivienne’s father and CEO of Make a Stand. 

In February 2013, David heard Vivienne speak. He was struck by her compassion and wanted to participate in some way. “I’m a true believer in the power of networking,” he says. Through his strong networking abilities, he began interfacing with people involved with Make a Stand. After seeing the premier of the Make a Stand documentary in San Francisco, he wanted to bring the film to Mt. Shasta. “#standwithme” was shown in March to a full house at Mt. Shasta Cinema. Prior to the showing, David met with students in the community telling them about Make a Stand and providing donated tickets to the movie. “I was planting seeds,” he reveals. “It’s important for youth to see what can be done when one is committed and passionate.”

Remaining in touch with Vivienne, her family, and others involved in the movement enabled David to offer his expertise to Make a Stand –  technology with a human touch. “David made a stand with us from the beginning. He is not standing by. He is standing firm,” relates Eric Harr.

Born and raised in Missouri, David moved to Siskiyou County in 1980. He worked with Stone Container, a lumber mill in Happy Camp. Although he enjoyed his work, he thought if he got an education he’d be better equipped to expand the vision of what he wanted to do – help others to help others. In 1990 he moved to Mt. Shasta. As a single dad raising his son Gabriel, David found work as a carpenter and enrolled in College of the Siskiyous.

There he completed an associate of arts degree in accounting and business administration. “By the time I finished my first course, I was hooked on education,” he states. He transferred to Southern Oregon University and got his bachelors degree in business administration and psychology. He completed a Masters in Business Administration at California State University, Chico. As his final project for the program, he took a three-week trip to China and did a study of business management in the Chinese culture. “It was an amazing journey,” he remembers. “Traveling does wonders in breaking down stereotypes.” 

David taught at College of the Siskiyous and served as the online learning coordinator. He also worked as a research specialist and lab technician. His commitment to teachers led to an executive council position with the Californian Part-time Faculty Association. In 2005 he received the Customer Hero award for innovative customer implementation. Currently he works on bringing forth his dream for his own organization, Service2Community, dedicated to the power of helping people and organizations rise to their full potential so they can be a positive change in the world.

David and his wife Maggie married in 1995. “She is a jewel and the love of my life,” he relates. “She has amazing energy.” The couple enjoys gardening and hiking. They like traveling and plan to go to Peru in July. Health is a high priority in their lives, and they believe in healthy eating, exercise and positive living. 

What advice would this multi-talented man give to today’s youth? “There is no reason to be bored. Find something you’re passionate about and turn it into your vocation. Passion brings joy to life.” And David lives his philosophy.

David Donica can be reached at (530) 859-2854 or by email at

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Author Carolyn Warnemuende has two daughters and five grandchildren, and lives with her husband in Redding. She writes parenting and educational articles, sponsors a school in Uganda, and visits Africa twice a year. She receives great joy in taking daily care of her four-year-old granddaughter who was adopted from Ethiopia.

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  1. Debra Hickey says

    Wow! Great article about an even greater man. So proud to know him. He is truly a kind, humble, remarkable and inspirong man.

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