North State Parent magazine


BABS Bath Shop An Expression of Love And Hospitality

Stepping into Kristen Van Natta’s store, BABS Bath Shop, is like stepping into a welcoming home. Here, she tells the story of the Red Bluff shop, which was located in Paradise, CA until the Camp Fire, and where she now works with her daughters. The shop that began as a “fairytale” wish and is now rising again in its new home, has always been an expression of Kristen’s love of hospitality and community.

A fairytale begins in Paradise

Our arrival in Paradise was somewhat of a fairytale. I had always wanted to live in California when I was younger. After meeting my soulmate, who is from the area, online, I decided to move here from Florida to get married and build a home together. Our choices at the time were Paradise or Chico. After researching the area, I fell in love with Paradise. I am a believer that everything happens for a reason.

Where there’s mud, there’s soap

My mother was a soaper and my grandmother was an herbalist. I grew up mixing and making different concoctions while helping them in the kitchen. As a girl I was always mixing mud, water and leaves to make different things. I guess apothecary runs in our blood.  I laugh now because I never expected to actually own a business from my favorite childhood playtime activity.

When my youngest daughter was born, she inspired me to start a path to making natural bath items that she could enjoy. She has sensitive skin and can’t use traditional bath products with chemicals, coloring, and preservatives. She inspired me to bring natural bath products to others after moving to California where there is a great need with the dry climate.

We lost our community in the Camp Fire

We lost our home and our business in the Camp Fire, but more significantly we lost our community. We had spent a lot of time volunteering as a family, starting when the girls were very small, and the biggest pain we experienced from the fire was losing the organizations we had worked so closely with. But our family is resilient by not focusing on the negative and, instead, keep moving forward. I seek to recognize the good in whatever lesson comes my way.

An old fashioned approach to values and business

I have many philosophies, but with raising my girls, I’ve taken the old fashioned approach of loving them unconditionally, teaching practical life skills and showing that your family will be here no matter what. I want to pass on the importance of selflessness, giving back to those in need and other values while encouraging them in their individuality. I’ve made sure they are prepared for most aspects of life; especially through the business.

My oldest daughter, Kylie, 20, could fully run our business in my absence or use the skills set she has learned over the years to start her own — which is her dream after college. Our youngest daughter, Kori, 17, is now learning the trade along with my husband. Kori wants to become a police officer after traveling the world. She’s a headstrong go-getter who loves helping people and wants to commit to a life of service.

My husband, Mike, works full time but also helps with the business when needed. He’s such a hard worker and really sets a good example for them to learn by, because no matter how hard he’s worked at his job, he’s always willing to give more when our family business needs it.

Rebuilding our community in Red Bluff

Our business was one of the deciding factors of moving to Tehama County. I was so torn about closing it down permanently after the fire. It would have been easy to walk away at that time. But even though we lost everything and were living in an RV in Los Molinos, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was meant to be doing what I was doing.

One day, while at lunch in Red Bluff, we spotted the future home of BABS. It was one of those moments that just feels like it’s supposed to happen. We rented the building and made plans to get back to business. We finally moved our family to Red Bluff when we found housing seven months later.

We put a lot of hours, sweat, and tears into our business. It’s a huge commitment to our customers to provide them with the best service we can. Even when our personal life is crazy we still have to go put on our business faces and get the job done. We haven’t officially had a full year of being in a brick and mortar yet due to our first year being impacted by the Camp Fire and then Covid. All we can do is keep moving forward knowing that we’re on a path and everything happens when it’s supposed to. Luckily our bond help keep it all together in the meantime.

Private parties, community classes help the business expand

Business has been too slow to establish here, but it’s finally picking up momentum. We’ve added new features this past year to expand our offerings and we are now hosting private parties and community classes. We ultimately started our business as a way to give back to our community and we are getting so much closer to having those plans ready to roll out.

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Kate and her family are “adventure-schoolers” more than homeschoolers. Back home in Red Bluff, while recouping from their travels, Kate writes historical fiction—her first novel is set in rural Northern California. Contact Kate at

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  1. Janell Fitzgerald says

    I have been in BABS and everything is amazing. The decor is so beautiful!! What a great place to go for gifts, their are so many lovely bath and body products to choose from that you are sure to find the perfect one. As for myself, I love the scrub! Kristen and her family have put their heart and soul into their dream and it shows. You must come In, pamper yourself and enjoy everything BABS has to offer, you will be happy you did.

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