North State Parent magazine


Sarah Lyons

Sarah Lyons

Sarah Lyons is a freelance writer and stay at home mom to six children, including three-year-old triplets.

Author Archive

1970s Summer- Kids playing outside in the hose

How to Give Your Kids a 1970s Summer

As the whirlwind of the last few weeks of schoolwork flew by, I found myself ready for the long, unscheduled days of summer: sleeping in, spending our afternoons poolside and […]

Great Ways Dads are Different - kids playing with dad

Great Ways Dads are Different

There is no denying that there are differences between how moms and dads parent their kids. Just because dads may do things differently than moms doesn’t mean their parenting style […]

Learning Style in the classroom - north state parent

What’s Your Child’s Learning Style?

Does your child love reading and writing? Do they have a knack for music? When they tell a story, do they tend to use their whole body to describe what […]

Photo by Web Made Local

Lasting Benefits of Sports for Kids

Parents want their kids to have an active and healthy lifestyle, and many sign them up for sports hoping to help them develop healthy lifelong habits and a love for […]


How Motherhood Made Me Appreciate My Mom

When I look back at each important moment in my life—the day I learned to drive, my graduation, my wedding, the birth of my first child—my mother is always standing […]

Having a Sibling with Special Needs

Challenges and Benefits of Having a Sibling with Special Needs

Having a sibling with special needs is a unique experience that provides both challenges and benefits to children. While there is no doubt that they love their sibling with special […]

a mom who created a birth plan

Creating A Birth Plan

A Birth Plan? Why? The birth of a baby is one of the most exciting and important life events that a woman will have. Each birth is unique, just as […]