North State Parent magazine


Lisa Vegvary

Lisa Vegvary

Lisa Vegvary is a writer living in the woods in the foothills of the Cascades.

Author Archive

Weston, age 8;  and Miles, age 6 help their family with recycling. 
Photo by Amber Thompson.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Practicing The Three Rs as a Family

We are all familiar with images of sea life strangling in discarded fishing nets, plastic bobbing on ocean waves, small mammals with their heads caught in disposed but not biodegradable […]

north state parent - Air Purifier - a family at home

Air Purifier Tips

Are You Shopping for an Air Purifier? Eliminating wildfire smoke and ash Home air purifiers are a familiar appliance to those who suffer from asthma or allergies exacerbated by airborne […]

north state parent - birds - window gems

Raven Tree Helps Save the Birds

Saving Backyard Birds With Prismatic Window Gems – Homemade in Mt. Shasta Every year in this country, more than one billion birds die from colliding with ordinary window glass. These […]

responsible behavior in our public and wild spaces - north state parent

Pack It In Pack It Out!

Teaching responsible behavior in our public and wild spaces As parents, we instinctively understand our job of caretaking and teaching, setting examples with our behavior. Teaching responsible behavior in our […]

Greta and Ash share their love of horses on frequent rides together.

Add Horseback Riding to The List Of Ways to Enjoy Our Wide-Open Spaces

In the 21st century, with game consoles and smartphones, are girls still horse-crazy? Do boys still daydream about becoming cowboys? We enjoy our wide-open spaces in Northern California, and our […]

Grandparents and their grandkids - north state parent

Role of Grandparents In Modern Families

In our contemporary world filled with technology and fast-moving parts and pieces, it can be easy to assume that modern human beings are rewriting the rules. We perceive fundamental changes […]


The Importance of the Arts

What is art? What makes art such an important part of the human experience? Is art appreciation something that comes naturally, or must it be taught and encouraged? Art is […]


Understanding Postpartum Depression Enhances Your Pregnancy Education, Expectations, and Empowerment

There are many exciting, and even exhausting, aspects of pregnancy, birth and postnatal care you can expect when expecting. Eating healthy and for two during pregnancy. Setting up the nursery. […]


Please Turn Off the Lights! Conserving Energy in Our Homes

“Turn off that light!” is a common refrain in most households today and a friendly but stern admonition that has been handed down in families for decades. Although it still […]


Vaping and JUULing; Parents Need to Educate Themselves About E-Cigarettes

Knowledge is power, and ignorance is often not blissful, especially when parenting. Most parents agree that raising children is a constant learning experience. Many of the decisions and choices parents […]


Movement Jumpstarts the Brain – Flipping the Learning Switch at Blue Oak School with S’cool Moves

“Our highest endeavor must be to develop free human beings who are able, of themselves, to impart purpose and direction to their lives.” Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) Today, parents have choices […]

The Family Place - Youth for Change director Kelly Doty

The Family Place: After The Camp Fire

In early November, North State Parent interviewed Kelly Doty, director of the Youth for Change Strengthening Families program that operated out of The Family Place on Bille Road, in Paradise. […]