North State Parent magazine


Kate Hiller

Kate Hiller

Kate and her family are “adventure-schoolers” more than homeschoolers. Back home in Red Bluff, while recouping from their travels, Kate writes historical fiction—her first novel is set in rural Northern California. Contact Kate at

Author Archive

The Tehama County/Red Bluff Landfill offers free mulch and 
wood chips for locals, made from the recycled wood waste.

From Byproduct to Bio-product: Northern Californians are Making it Happen

Many of us have felt the satisfaction of keeping paper, cans and plastic out of landfills. But did you know that northern California businesses and programs are similarly keeping biomass […]

From The Soil Up: Regenerative Education In Manton

Cultivating a culture of learning is much like cultivating soil. With the right season and tools, you dig in, refine and enrich. There are no limits to the possibilities when […]

Children and adults of all ages enjoy dressing in colorful costumes, learning fun traditional folk dances and performing with Corning Folklorico Ballet. Photos provided by Corning Folklorico Ballet.

Corning Ballet Folklorico – Dancing For Culture, Family And Community

A free, fun, flexible, physical, educational activity that all your children can do together? This sounds like the dream of any busy parent. Tehama County is fortunate to have that […]

Mural project leaders Leanna Lunsford and David Tamori warmly invite the public to "come create" each Saturday.

Youth Artistic Effort is Spilling out of Brushstrokes Studio and Beautifying Oroville’s River Town

John Lennon astutely stated, “Every child is an artist until he’s told he’s not an artist.” Providing art instruction for children can stop negative messages midstream and the Oroville community […]


Kristi Steadman Puts Her Whole Heart into Making Memories on the Heart S Ranch

We are entering the season of keeping long-held traditions and embracing new ones. Hearts are deeply touched as family members and friends express gratitude over a shared meal. It is […]

The Paskenta quilters have reason to be proud of the beautiful quilts they pour their time, talents and love into. Photo credit Kate Hiller.

The Paskenta Quilters: A Community Stitched Together by Shared Life

Every Tuesday morning the cars slowly roll up to the Paskenta Community Hall, someone props open the dining hall door and before long the empty space is filled with colorful […]

Emergitek’s high tech manikins provide immediate, accurate feedback that helps first responders upgrade skills rapidly, reducing recertification time from a day or more to around two hours. Photo credit: Emergitek.

Emergitek: First Responder Family Helps Others Respond Quickly and Skillfully 

Being a first responder is synonymous with being “on the go” and if you add taking care of your family into the mix, the word “busy” takes on another meaning […]

Bill Gaumer is always happy to tell families interesting facts about his family’s unique collection of minerals, gems and crystals displayed at Gaumer’s Mining and Museum in Red Bluff.

Hunting for Gems at Gaumer’s Mineral and Mining Museum with the Treasured Gaumer Family

Has your child’s rock collection taken over their room? Have you been tempted to thin it out or make it disappear completely when they are asleep or at school? Children […]


Help Your Child Build a Strong Foundation for Learning

Do you have a school age child who is struggling to learn to read or an older child with learning difficulties? Do you or your child find it difficult to […]


Celebrating Native American Culture Youth Style with Supaman September 7

To uplift is to inspire and, in early September, Tehama County Health Services Agency is partnering with Apsáalooke rapper and fancy dancer, Christian Parrish Takes the Gun, professionally known as Supaman, […]


Andrea Martin: Cheering Families to Success at Lincoln Street School

Andrea Martin’s goal in life can be found in her job title at Lincoln Street Independent School, an independent study option based in Red Bluff. Since 2019, Andrea has worked […]

Burke family daughters Aoibheann, Cadhla and Priscilla Eibhilin, with dad David and mom Priscilla, work together to hunt for exotic figs and run Burke Family Farm and their specialty fig business. Photo by Kate Hiller.

The Fig Hunters: Tehama County’s Treasure Hunters

I tracked down the Burke family through Instagram and set up a meeting at Reiter’s Bakery in Red Bluff. Expecting to have a quiet sit-down with Priscilla, I was surprised […]