North State Parent magazine


Jenna Christophersen

Jenna Christophersen

Jenna Christophersen is a Chico native who loves her community and can never get quite enough of the arts. She supports fostering creativity in any venue, especially as a part of young people’s daily lives.

Author Archive


Be the Change – Sean Wilson

Sean Wilson discovered the magic of music through the piano. Amid an unpredictable and unsettled home life, Sean found that “music just calmed me and let me express my anger, […]

Yoshie Muratani teaches orchestra students to work together, playing important notes as characters, each part contributing to the story of the music. Photos by  Isabel Ruiz.

Be the Change – Yoshie Muratani

Yoshie Muratani will never forget the exact moment she truly fell in love with music. As the daughter of an operatic singer in the Hyōgo prefecture of Japan, Yoshie had […]

Laurel Tennant teaches young dancers with fun, carefully selected exercises that show them how to use their bodies, understand their muscles and develop important cross-brain connections. Photos by Isabel Ruiz.

Be the Change: Laurel Tennant

Laurel Tennant began ballet at the age of six in her hometown of Paradise. From then on, Laurel lived and breathed ballet, eagerly coaching younger students as her skills matured […]


Be The Change – April Bennett

Approximately 14,000 K-12 students in California are deaf or hard of hearing. Unfortunately, the dispersion of these students throughout the state often means limited access to educational supports and resources. […]


Be the Change: Tina Wolfe

In early 2017, as Tina Wolfe sat in the Butte County courthouse listening to the story of a seven-year-old boy’s life falling apart, she felt her own heart falling apart […]


Be The Change – Sommer Grooms

When I say I’m a principal of a juvenile hall, most people say, ‘Wow, that’s a tough job.’ But this is the best job I’ve ever had,” says Sommer Grooms. […]

Dr. Bulchandani gently assesses newborns for tension in the body and the movement quality of the bones of the head, face and spine, which when restricted can tighten the mouth and intensify feeding issues.

Be the Change – Neel Bulchandani

When his brother sustained a back injury in high school, it changed Neel Bulchandani’s life. At the time, Neel was working in a lab and feeling less than enthused about […]


Heartfelt Health Care For Those Experiencing Homelessness In Redding

“I take care of wounds, drain abscesses, start blood pressure medicine, treat diabetes and treat psychiatric conditions,” says Dr. Kyle Patton, M.D., medical director of the Hope program at Shasta […]

The McCall family teams up to support Mountain Medic. Photos by Joan Goble.

Be the Change: Chad McCall

As a disaster relief volunteer, Chad McCall stood amid devastation and rubble in the wake of the 2005 earthquake in Pakistan. Just months before, he had been slogging through the […]


Be the Change: Carrie Powers

“I was suddenly a single, brokenhearted mom with two brokenhearted children,” Carrie Powers remembers. “My whole life had been about the support of women and children, and then I found […]


Mister Brown – Empowering Children to Choose Well and Consider Others

Mom, you know what these kids need?” Katie Poburko’s son asked as he contemplated his new high school peers. “They need Mister Brown to come talk to them about taking […]


Be the Change: Bennie Hope

YOU ARE VALUABLE. YOU ARE IMPORTANT. YOU ARE EQUAL. YOU ARE WORTHY. How might your life change if you held these beliefs about yourself? What decisions might you make differently […]