North State Parent magazine


Erin Bianchi

Erin Bianchi

Erin Bianchi is a registered dietitian from Northern California. She has a huge passion for local agriculture and fermented foods. Erin owns Cook, a kitchen boutique in Red Bluff, CA, that carries kitchen tools, local foods, beer and wine.

Author Archive

Mini Pie

Mini Pies: A New Tradition – Localicious

Thanksgiving has long been my favorite holiday. There’s nothing much better than being surrounded by family and friends and food. For this November issue of North State Parent, I want […]

After-School Chefs choosing fresh produce

After-School Chefs: Localicious

A few years ago, I had the pleasure of touring the Edible Schoolyard in Berkeley. Students at Martin Luther King Jr Middle School spend class time each week in this […]


Localicious: Snacks that Go

Like most busy moms I am always looking for new ideas for grab-and-go snacks that are easy, nutritious and well-liked. Below are a few simple recipes that have been vetted […]


Localicious: Birthday On The Farm!

As we welcome spring and roll out our April birthday-themed issue, I couldn’t help but think of outdoor adventures for the Localicious column. While bounce houses are nice, they weren’t […]


Localicious: Breakfast Cookies

One of my absolute favorite baby, toddler and family cookbooks is Nourished Beginnings by Renee Kohley. She has created brilliantly simple whole food recipes that work well with busy schedules […]


Localicious: The Tradition of Giving

Growing up I lived three houses down from my best friend.  During the holidays we would get together with our moms and make either a craft or treats for each […]


Localicious: Hillside Poms

One of my fondest memories of childhood is spending hours with my cousins picking pomegranates from our grandmother’s tree and tirelessly working the sweet seeds free with stains and smiles […]

Real Fruit Popsicles

The recipe for these delicious and dietitian-approved frozen treats was adapted from the blog “All Things Green” by Maria Baath.  I took her advice to make them a little sweeter […]


Localicious: Salsa, Family Style!

Salsa is a summer staple in our house, and we don’t just use it as a dip for chips. We add salsa to tacos, salads, baked potatoes, burgers, fajitas, eggs, […]


Localicious: Easy Campsite Cooking

Camping season is underway! If you’re anything like me, making meals from an ice chest and camp stove can be a bit daunting. Below are some simple go-to recipes that […]


Kitchen Gadgets That Help Make Cooking Fun

Instead of our typical Localicious column, this month we present fun kitchen gadgets to help the whole family be inspired in the kitchen! We found a little inspiration ourselves in […]


Localicious: For the Love of Pizza

Happy February! February is one of my favorite foodie months for reasons like National Pancake Week, Pistachio Day, Celebration of Chocolate Month, and so much more. Heart Health Month and […]